Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
All the albums had some collection of four digits before their name that was certainly not their year...
How does the "year" option work, if you select it for "album" (or"artist" for that matter)? Is it an average of the dates of all the tracks in a particular album?
You can only use a %format string for formatting the title of a track, it cannot be used for formatting within the album hierarchy (if that makes sense?)
I can't think of anything practical aside from mass renaming all album titles to yyyy - album but that's unweildy and it displays the year when all you want to see is the album title *sigh*.
\Artist1\1995 - Album1A\Artist1\1997 - Album1B\Artist2\1963 - Album 2A...etcin other words, use "\artist\year - album\track# - tracktitle" to organize files
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