sorry i have not replied in a long time
just got around to doing it thanks for the instructions it was extremely easy
i open a powershell window in the RockboxBootloaderInstaller_iPodClassic_v1_0 folder, made it easier instead of typing in the directory to the firmware or the .exe,
i then just typed, mks5lboot64.exe --bl-inst bootloader-ipod6g.ipod --single Into powershell, this way i could skip typing the path to the boot loader since i some how mess up directory locations
i still have the E partition on the ipod that windows keeps asking me to format every time i plug it in but i can live with that my main annoyance was getting stuck in apple firmware when i used the hold switch after turning off my ipod,
i'm not sure where i would make the suggestion but when the ipod 6g becomes stable i think a check box to choose single or dual boot would be useful or possibly two installers what ever would be easiest to implement ( not saying coding is easy )
thanks for the help and info prof_wolfff