This patch allows scrolling through lists by sliding up and down on the centre column of the touchpad. A short tap on the area works as usual and yields a single short button press. A long button press however would interfere with the sliding detection and thus is handled differently (see settings section below).
Comments about your favorite settings are highly appreciated, even if you totally dislike this patch (I plan to use the code for real scrollstrip targets like Philips HDD16xx). You can also leave comments on IRC (I'll read the backlogs).
To install the patch, download this file: and put it in your player's "
.rockbox" folder. Note that it's a hidden folder and may not be visible as default. (You may also want to backup your original "
rockbox.sansa" file!)
Alternatively you can download the whole file here: or fetch the patch from gerrit (g#1199) and compile it yourself.
The patch offers a lot of configuration possibilities. You find them in the following menus:
Settings > General Settings > System > Scrollstrip handlingSettings > General Settings > System > Scrollstrip speedSettings > General Settings > System > AfterscrollThe most important setting is "Scrollstrip handling". This setting defines, how long buttonpresses are handled:
- "Long press mode" means, that you just have to touch the area for a long time (slightly longer than a usual long button press, because there's a lag to avoid interference with the sliding action).
- "Doubleclick mode": do a short tap immediately followed by a long press (the short tap at the beginning will not be processed). You probably know this behaviour from your laptop's touchpad.
- Both of these behaviours can be set to affect all three buttons (Select, Up and Down) or only the Select Button. (For most situations you come along without long up/down presses, because you can scroll fast by sliding your finger.)
- The last setting - "Off" - switches back to the usual button behaviour, without sliding gesture. (This is the most important setting of all! Try to play doom in scrollstrip mode
Additional info:
The main purpose is a scrollstrip driver common to all scrollstrip targets (see g#786). Unfortunately these are not very common nowadays, so the Fuze+ is a much better base for testing. (I'm sure that it can be integrated in Fuze+ code as well if enough people like it

There are even more possible settings: I was too lazy to make the long-press-lag and the double-click-time configurable, so I hope they fit. (Otherwise leave a note!) If it seems sensible, a menu entry could be done. Of course only the most useful settings will remain if this patch gets merged into the codebase.