thank you for all the replies !

Some ideas/suggestions:
Binding the font to settings like "the <function> font" instead
of "Times Roman 19 pt" (EXAMPLE ONLY) results the need of assigning
fonts to settings based on the readability of a game instead of the
theme/ui/system font.
Whats about a configuration option ot let the user decide, which font
s/he wants to use with the game and only for the game?
I think the highscore is not needed to be visible all the time while
playing. What about to put is on the screen which apears when
pressing SELECT for a longer time? Selecting the highscore then and
pressing SELECT again jumps back to the game.
Disableing 2048 for the Sansa Clip ZIP:
This is the most simplistic solution.
But it has nothing more to offer than simplicity.
Best regards,