First of all: This is NOT a feature request, further more I would like to chat about theoretical possibilities and technical limitations. I am not (yet) a rockbox developer, but I know how to code...
I would like to know what kind of potential possibilities there are to develop a video player under rockbox / ipod port. (Personally, I have got the ipod 5g..)
I know, the ipod has got a PP50XX ARM processor and it there is not much RAM avaibale, so it is probably impossible recycle an existing project like mplayer.
Further more rockbox is its own operating system, so I am not sure whether it is possible to use any (linux) programm/library (like ipp) at all. Is it nesessary to code everything from skretch? (Actually, could anybody give me some information, what kind of OS rockbox is. I didnt find such information at the faq/manual/wiki/mailing list archive/wikipedia/google... but maybe I overread it... )
Would be happy, about (almost) any kind of answer...