I have another issue regarding the Nano 2nd Gen's Click Wheel that I'm unsure is at anyone's attention or not...
Also unsure if this thread is still being monitored...
I've noticed that some time ago...approximately 5-6 weeks, possibly more, possibly less, the Nano 2g's Click Wheel became incredibly sensitive, and is really erratic and sensitive to even the minutest touch....
I've found you can exploit this weird sensitivity by simply tapping lightly the diagonal areas of the Click Wheel (the areas between menu, play, next and previous) and scroll this way, the thing is, it never used to be this sensitive, and I'm wondering what the change is/was.
It used to feel almost exactly similar to that scrolling of the Nano 1st Gen, except without the accelleration, now the erratic-jumpy bahaviour makes you HAVE TO use the middle button as select, and menu us back...instead of being able to use next and previous to perform the same function because if you don't get the placement of your thumb exactly right, the Click Wheel assumes You're trying to scroll and jumps the menu position (sometimes quite dramatically) and You often end up in the wrong, or an unexpected, menu directory.
Is anyone aware of this behaviour in the Nano 2nd Gen Click Wheel?