Hi I have Tried to Post in this forum 3 Times and I dunno whats Happening but the Post isn't Here

I hope I am doing this correctly another Post I made on this subject was relocated yesterday (Sorry Guy's

am not what you would call literate when it comes to downloading and Installing stuff?
I just want some advice and confirmation on my “Take†of how to install Rockbox on my Sans C200 V.0.1 as Drive (E) + SD-Micro chip 4Gig as Drive (F)
I have been Studying the Manual for RockBox for my Sans C200 V.0.1 / and I am about to start the Downloads.
(1) Is the SD – Micro chip going to be a problem???
( 2) Do I have to Remove all Songs from BOTH (E) & (F) Before I Install Rockbox Bootloader and Firmware
(3) The Sansa bootloader Referred to in the Manual is already installed IN the Sansa C200 ?? so I do not have to Worry About It???
As far as I can figure from the Manual WITHOUT the Player Connected
the Steps Are:
(1) I Download Run – Rockbox Bootloader/ Leave Don't Extract
(2) I Download Rockbox Firmware /Don't Extract?
This is a Quote From the Rockbox Manual:
The Rockbox firmware.
Similar to the Sansa firmware, most of the Rockbox code is contained in a “build†that resides on your player’s drive. This makes it easy to update Rockbox. The build consists of a directory called .rockbox which contains all of the Rockbox files, and is located in the root of your player’s drive. :
This would be after I did the Automatic Install wouldn’t it
(3) Download and Run - Themes/ Leave Don't Extract
Do I have to set the USB "Drive Letter Manager" (Re Drive (E) & (F))
2.2 The Prerequisites’
For Automatic Install I don’t require the above I have Zip USB etc
2.3 Install Rockbox Automatically.
I Connect My Sans C200 V.0.1 to my computer in AUTO DETECT Mode? OR (Is It MTC MODE??) AND then' un-Zip all the files to install?
I assume they would be Sitting open but un-Zipped On the Desk top where I downloaded them and they would Automatically just load onto the player after I extract (un-Zip ) them?
Is there any Order to un -Zipping them to Install? WILL they each install automatically as I un-Zip them or do I have go to each Folder and Open it and Drag and Drop or Copy and Paste Copy To??
What does the Warning about Binarys for Window’s mean? would that only apply to a Manual Download?
I hope that I have covered all bases. Thanks for any help Forth coming. Dasha