I was recently messing around with my Gigabeat and I installed an old bootloader (Please don't flame me about that, I know I was being careless) and now it won't boot.
Turning on the player normaly works until the screen turns grey and the text "Rockbox error: -2" appears.
Attempting to enter rescue mode doesn't work - it freezes on the loading text.
I followed the instructions on incresing boot time (
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GigabeatFXPort#Improved_Boot_Time_Optional) so restoring the offical firmware won't work.
Here is what comes up on the screen when I dont hold menu down long enough:
FRAME 31FD6800 TTB 31FFC000
disk_mount_all: 1
Partition 0: ox0C 28607 MB
Rockbox error: -2
Trying to get into USB Bootloader mode doesnt work and I attempted the instructions at
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GigabeatFXPort#Gigabeat_Recovery_Procedures and it didn't really work

Also I do have access to a second Gigabeat.
Please help if you can as I have over 2 months worth of homework on it.