Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on January 21, 2025, 11:28:03 PM »The link is still not working. But I was able to locate the file in the directory listing.I am attempting to install the hosted port on a HW3 version of this player. The link to prepatched V2.1 firmware gives a 404 error. I attempted to use Rockbox utility and the V2.1 firmware but the utility closes when I open the files.
Give it another try now, there was a typo in the filename of the file on the download server.
Oh, yeah my bad, I misread it and thought you were trying to install the native port. Glad you found it though!
Plugins/Viewers / Re: Problem with the Shortcuts Plugin?
« Last post by iPodVT on January 21, 2025, 11:26:46 PM »Attached is an image of the top of my Shortcuts Menu.
Plugins/Viewers / Re: Problem with the Shortcuts Plugin?
« Last post by iPodVT on January 21, 2025, 11:19:51 PM »Great work getting the bugs worked out, enjoyable read as it progressed. Question: Would it be possible at some point to have the option of assigning shortcuts to a Quickscreen button? I know we can replace the Quickscreen with Shortcuts, but it is great having the shuffle and repeat features close at hand, as well. I could forego the brightness buttons and add Shortcuts and something else, which I think would be great.
I'm a heavy user of shortcuts, with a long list of shortcuts to various settings, functions, files, directories, etc - all of which are sectioned into logical groups. I have one section that includes Compressor Threshold, Volume, Treble, Bass, Balance, Shuffle, and Repeat, and another section that includes Brightness, Backlight on Hold, etc. In order to keep things visually organized I use "type: separator" entries in my shortcuts.txt file that specify "name: -------------------" which separate the various sections of different groupings of shortcuts. It's very handy (at least for my style of usage).
Plugins/Viewers / Re: Problem with the Shortcuts Plugin?
« Last post by iPodVT on January 21, 2025, 10:39:17 PM »This is fantastic - I just now tried it and it works great. My link file is currently up to 207 entries, so I very much appreciate the improved functionality. Thanks a million!
Plugins/Viewers / Re: Problem with the Shortcuts Plugin?
« Last post by Bilgus on January 21, 2025, 09:57:42 PM »Shortly after the last fix was released I noticed one additional relatively minor anomaly, but I chose to not mention it at that time because of all of the reworking that had already been done, for which I was (and still am) very grateful. But today I bumped into it again so I thought I would mention it.
When I select one of the entries in my .link file, I get properly taken into the directory that the link points to. If at that point I decide to exit back into the .link file's list of entries I press the RWD button. That takes me back into the .link file's list of entries with the entry I had previously clicked still highlighted and scrolled into view. But then immediately and automatically, the entry is unhighlighted, the list is scrolled so that the list's first entry is positioned at the top of the screen, and that first entry gets highlighted. This is not a big deal if the list is short and/or if I had clicked on an entry near the top of the list. But my link file has 75 entries and is still growing, so I wish the previously highlighted entry would remain highlighted and scrolled into view.
Sorry missed this..
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by feuser on January 21, 2025, 08:13:36 PM »The link is still not working. But I was able to locate the file in the directory listing.I am attempting to install the hosted port on a HW3 version of this player. The link to prepatched V2.1 firmware gives a 404 error. I attempted to use Rockbox utility and the V2.1 firmware but the utility closes when I open the files.
Give it another try now, there was a typo in the filename of the file on the download server.
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Bug? “Error accessing playlist control file” using %Vp
« Last post by chris_s on January 21, 2025, 04:42:59 PM »thanks for checking - you should not see the error message anymore in the latest dev build (2debcf2c1f), or in any upcoming daily builds
Plugins/Viewers / Re: Problem with the Shortcuts Plugin?
« Last post by chris_s on January 21, 2025, 04:30:56 PM »Would it be possible at some point to have the option of assigning shortcuts to a Quickscreen button? I know we can replace the Quickscreen with Shortcuts, but it is great having the shuffle and repeat features close at hand, as well. I could forego the brightness buttons and add Shortcuts and something else, which I think would be great.Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, the functionality you're looking for already exists:
Press Long Select to access the Shortcuts Menu directly from the Quick Screen.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: 4th Gen manual installation woes
« Last post by makeprop on January 21, 2025, 01:21:16 PM »the 5.5th gen via the iFlash Tarkan was able to be restored via iTunes.
I've taken a snapshot of the MBR (when the SD card is directly plugged in) as well as a quick view of the disk management.
1. I still can't use rockbx to flash this ipod directly. (It worked fine with the original hard disk)
2. I still can't read its contents via the ipod when it's plugged in, but when looking at the disk via an SD card reader windows appears to read it fine.
Note, this is meant to be a 30gb ipod 5.5 yet the iTunes gave it a 60gb drive? (either I swapped around back covers and forgot which was the original cover/hdd for this ipod or it was modified at some stage).
In anycase I might have made a step in the right direction. I'll work towards a pin out comparison of the iFlash tarkan adaptor with these ali express adaptors and see where that gets me.
I've taken a snapshot of the MBR (when the SD card is directly plugged in) as well as a quick view of the disk management.
1. I still can't use rockbx to flash this ipod directly. (It worked fine with the original hard disk)
2. I still can't read its contents via the ipod when it's plugged in, but when looking at the disk via an SD card reader windows appears to read it fine.
Note, this is meant to be a 30gb ipod 5.5 yet the iTunes gave it a 60gb drive? (either I swapped around back covers and forgot which was the original cover/hdd for this ipod or it was modified at some stage).
In anycase I might have made a step in the right direction. I'll work towards a pin out comparison of the iFlash tarkan adaptor with these ali express adaptors and see where that gets me.
Feature Ideas / Re: Keep custom audio speed setting during shutdown/reboot
« Last post by eugenkss on January 21, 2025, 01:15:13 PM »I could easily be wrong, but my assumption is that audiobook listeners are likely to want the opposite (i.e. make the bookmarked pitch persist). I imagine a typical workflow like this:Yes, this makes totally sense for me.
1) User listens to music with unadjusted pitch
2) User switches to an audiobook – adjusts the pitch for that
3) At some point they may want to listen to music again, or to some other audiobook, so they create a bookmark (which helpfully saves the pitch setting)
4) User listens to music – resets the pitch for that
5) Sometime later, they go back to listening to their audiobook by loading the bookmark, which also restores the pitch...
...so now, the pitch is restored, but only until the device is rebooted, at which point, it is required to once again load a bookmark or manually adjust the pitch after resuming.
It was me who suggested this feature about 9 months ago, so I am very happy to find it realised. Thanks a lot!