Audio Playback, Database and Playlists / charging my ipod 6th gen
« Last post by MNI on September 20, 2024, 06:13:50 PM »Hi All -
Just purchased a 6th gen ipod with rockbox. I'm having no luck in charging the device while also seeing the files. Could anyone help? My usb cables work with other ipods. Thanks!
Just purchased a 6th gen ipod with rockbox. I'm having no luck in charging the device while also seeing the files. Could anyone help? My usb cables work with other ipods. Thanks!
Hardware / Re: CF to SD flash modded iPod 4G Color poor battery life with Rockbox
« Last post by eicca on September 20, 2024, 12:08:26 PM »I have no experience with this combination, but why not try a current daily build instead of one that is over a year old?
You are not going to get much support on the version you have, many things have changed/improved since.
Backup your current build if you want to keep it, just copy the Rockbox dir.
I've been trying daily builds for years now hoping for some improvement with this issue but no dice.
What I don't understand is why the stock firmware has no such problems. What does the stock firmware know that Rockbox doesn't?
Rockbox Utility / Re: Rockbox Utility and Hi Fi Walker H2
« Last post by dconrad on September 19, 2024, 07:58:02 PM »Just as a few points to sanity check:
What version of Rockbox Utility are you using?
I'm sure you've already tried the "Refresh" button to the right of the drop-down?
And the SD card is in the player, right?
(You'll laugh, but it's good to do a sanity check...)
What version of Rockbox Utility are you using?
I'm sure you've already tried the "Refresh" button to the right of the drop-down?
And the SD card is in the player, right?
(You'll laugh, but it's good to do a sanity check...)
Rockbox Utility / Rockbox Utility and Hi Fi Walker H2
« Last post by cdavis2260 on September 19, 2024, 04:08:09 PM »i connected my Hi Fi Walker H2 and ran the Rockbox Utility in order to install Rockbox. The microSD card showed up on F: However the Rockbox Utility only read G and I tried to eject it and ejection failed. I could not change it to F. It did not see F in the dropdown. I have a PC with Windows 10. It gives me a mountpoint error. Mountpoint does not exist. I even rebooted and the Hi Fi Walker H2. It always comes up on F and then rebooted the Rockbox Utility. How can I get it to read Hi Fi Walker H2 on F?
Hardware / Re: Issues with installing iPod mini v2 2005 128gb
« Last post by sweebiegeebie on September 19, 2024, 09:45:47 AM »I am a novice with terminal, how do I run as administrator? does with su mean sudo command?
Audio Playback, Database and Playlists / Re: Playing and browsing from the file browser has become sluggish on Clip+
« Last post by speachy on September 18, 2024, 01:35:21 PM »There are several folks who use this as their daily driver with no issues, so we're going to need way to semi-reliably reproduce the problem you're seeing if there's any hope of intentionally addressing it.
Eg, does it happen with the latest build, stock theme, and default configuration? If not, then which setting change leads to this? Does the specific file(s) matter? Has the storage device been checked for errors? etc etc.
Eg, does it happen with the latest build, stock theme, and default configuration? If not, then which setting change leads to this? Does the specific file(s) matter? Has the storage device been checked for errors? etc etc.
Hardware / Re: Issues with installing iPod mini v2 2005 128gb
« Last post by saratoga on September 18, 2024, 12:35:51 PM »Permission denied, so try running as administrator or with su.
Audio Playback, Database and Playlists / Re: Playing and browsing from the file browser has become sluggish on Clip+
« Last post by rdtyphn on September 18, 2024, 09:20:46 AM »Any updates on this from the devs? I've been updating my Hifiwalker H2 regularly with the latest build and still have been running into these crashes.
To recap for the past year or two at times there is display corruption and player slowdown with the disk access icon constantly spinning up and eventual hanging of the player on the native port. It seems related to browsing file directories. The error says "exception" TLB refill and about four lines of numbers.
To recap for the past year or two at times there is display corruption and player slowdown with the disk access icon constantly spinning up and eventual hanging of the player on the native port. It seems related to browsing file directories. The error says "exception" TLB refill and about four lines of numbers.
Hardware / Re: Issues with installing iPod mini v2 2005 128gb
« Last post by sweebiegeebie on September 17, 2024, 06:12:59 PM »I have followed the guide for Mac (I don't have access to a windows) at https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32.html. I don't think it managed to do anything. I copied the commands into an editor, and with terminal, tried to run the command on the .bin file then run the command that was supposed to attach that bin file to the disk image of my ipodmini, in this case, disk4. When I ran the whole command together it looked like: 'dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/disk4'. I don't know what to expect it to do when it worked but the eject command did not work. when I ejected the iPod in finder it remounted the disk. I am not sure that it was supposed to do that. Is this command supposed to factory reset what is currently synced to the iPod? Does it just mount a bin file to the disk that primes it to be used in the rockbox easy installer?
here is my terminal session:
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/iPod
dd: /dev/iPod: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/disk4
dd: /dev/disk4: Permission denied
user@users-imac downloads % eject /dev/disk4
zsh: command not found: eject
user downloads %
Hope this finds help well.
here is my terminal session:
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/iPod
dd: /dev/iPod: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/disk4
dd: /dev/disk4: Permission denied
user@users-imac downloads % eject /dev/disk4
zsh: command not found: eject
user downloads %
Hope this finds help well.