Audio Playback, Database and Playlists / Re: Are Rockbox database files identical across different iPod models?
« Last post by rockbox_dev123 on November 16, 2024, 08:10:04 AM »Yes.
You can even build the database on a PC using the database tool or the simulator and then transfer it to the iPods. However if you use macOS then as explained to me by chris_s:
You can even build the database on a PC using the database tool or the simulator and then transfer it to the iPods. However if you use macOS then as explained to me by chris_s:
One word of warning – after trying this myself - with regard to special characters used in filenames:
The simulator on MacOS seems to store filenames as decomposed Unicode in the database (even with a FAT filesystem underneath). When attempting to use that same database on device, it expects the precomposed form and thus won't find these files.
E.g. the letter é is represented as hexadecimal C3 A9 (letter e with acute accent) for a database built on device, but as 65 CC 81 (letter e and combining acute accent) when built using the simulator.
I don't know and haven't looked into the reasons for that or how it can be fixed yet, but it should be added to the list of known issues.
NB: Same thing applies to the database tool compiled on MacOS
Audio Playback, Database and Playlists / Are Rockbox database files identical across different iPod models?
« Last post by iPodVT on November 15, 2024, 05:06:31 PM »I have several different models of iPods that all have the exact same directory trees and music libraries. If they all have model-appropriate versions of the same build of Rockbox, could I build the database on just one iPod and then successfully use copies of the same database files on the other iPods?
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: iPod 2ng GEN install problems on MacOS
« Last post by simonb on November 15, 2024, 04:56:29 PM »Yes i do!
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: iPod 2ng GEN install problems on MacOS
« Last post by philden on November 15, 2024, 04:32:31 PM »Are you running the Rockbox Utility with sudo permissions?
Apple - Installation/Removal / iPod 2ng GEN install problems on MacOS
« Last post by simonb on November 15, 2024, 04:11:21 PM »Hello everyone,
I converted my 20GB 2nd GEN iPod successfully to FAT32 via the guide on Rockbox. If i want to install via the Utility, I get the error message "Could not read firmware directory". Could someone help me in the right direction? What could it be?
I converted my 20GB 2nd GEN iPod successfully to FAT32 via the guide on Rockbox. If i want to install via the Utility, I get the error message "Could not read firmware directory". Could someone help me in the right direction? What could it be?
Starting Development and Compiling / Simulator uses system ubuntu libopus lib instead of rockbox one
« Last post by bahus on November 15, 2024, 11:49:41 AM »I tried to debug in Simulator one opus issue and got really upset unabling to break inside any libopus code and all my logging was ignored. So turns out this code is not used at all - instead system libopus lib is used. Could be caused by recent SDL2 migration (as it's pulled by libsndfile lib needed for SDL sound initialization)
Any way to make sure that rockbox libs are used? For now I renamed all opus entry methods to be able to debug rockbox libopus code.
Any way to make sure that rockbox libs are used? For now I renamed all opus entry methods to be able to debug rockbox libopus code.
Feature Ideas / Re: Save downscaled album art in database as cache
« Last post by Yakov5776 on November 15, 2024, 03:42:05 AM »Strange, this slowness does not happen to me when disabling album art.
Tomorrow I'll message you a zip of a few songs to try so you could try to reproduce the issue.
Also, they're in ALAC format in case that plays any role.
Tomorrow I'll message you a zip of a few songs to try so you could try to reproduce the issue.
Also, they're in ALAC format in case that plays any role.
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Bones Theme
« Last post by chuck_lardo on November 15, 2024, 01:09:17 AM »When using %cl to show 12h time, hiding the leading digit.
Alignment still counts the space of the hidden character.Code: [Select]#__Time
Anyone know a trick to fix this.
I had issues with alignment too, it has an extra space at the left. The best solution I found was to explicitly write the numbers from a conditional tag for the hour. This is my whole time display solution, feel free to use itCode: [Select]%?cf<%cH:%cM|%?cl<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12>:%cM%cp>
That will do the trick nicely, thanks
Feature Ideas / Re: Save downscaled album art in database as cache
« Last post by saratoga on November 14, 2024, 09:24:17 PM »I tried resizing a 2000x1500 folder.jpg on an e200v1 (slowest device I have) and it delayed about a second, maybe a bit less on track change.
I wonder if your files are slow if they're not embedded into files?
I wonder if your files are slow if they're not embedded into files?
Feature Ideas / Re: Save downscaled album art in database as cache
« Last post by Yakov5776 on November 14, 2024, 05:57:57 PM »Embedded