Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on Today at 03:31:57 PM »The error was apparently really due to the SD cards. I have now removed the SD card from my XDuoo X3 and installed ".rockbocks" for Surfans F20 Native. It is running.
But it is inexplicable to me why the original SD card and a Samsung EVO Select seem to have an error.
Many thanks for your very quick help!
Good to hear!
Honestly I'm just glad that's all it was. I think the cards that come with these players are real bottom of the barrel junk. Might actually put a note on the wiki to throw the included SD card in the trash when you get a new player...
As far as the Samsung EVO card, couldn't tell you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by lubatur on Today at 03:27:24 PM »The error was apparently really due to the SD cards. I have now removed the SD card from my XDuoo X3 and installed ".rockbox" for Surfans F20 Native. It is running.
But it is inexplicable to me why the original SD card and a Samsung EVO Select seem to have an error.
Many thanks for your very quick help!
But it is inexplicable to me why the original SD card and a Samsung EVO Select seem to have an error.
Many thanks for your very quick help!
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on Today at 03:00:38 PM »I checked my first SD card - came with the player:
32 GB - capacity 29818 MB, file system: FAT32
Partition style: Master Boot Record (MBR).
The card came in FAT32 format and after failed tests I reformated it with standard Windows 11 quick format in also FAT32.
Shoot. Just for fun, could you use the player's OF to reformat the card and then put the .rockbox folder back on it?
Here's another thing to try, if you haven't already: Hold (Volume Up + Power) to get into the bootloader menu and go to "USB mode". Does it show up on the computer then and you can see all your files?
Other than that, I need to think about it more, I'm at a bit of a loss. The fact that a brand new card failed tests doesn't really bode well... Any chance you have a card around that you trust that you could try with?
EDIT: The more I think about it, yeah a brand new card failing tests seems like a major red flag for me. I would put my money on that card being junk.
EDIT2: Just out of curiosity, what tests did you perform?
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by lubatur on Today at 02:46:48 PM »I checked my first SD card - came with the player:
32 GB - capacity 29818 MB, file system: FAT32
Partition style: Master Boot Record (MBR).
The card came in FAT32 format and after failed tests I reformated it with standard Windows 11 quick format in also FAT32.
32 GB - capacity 29818 MB, file system: FAT32
Partition style: Master Boot Record (MBR).
The card came in FAT32 format and after failed tests I reformated it with standard Windows 11 quick format in also FAT32.
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on Today at 02:22:15 PM »Yes, it's a fresh installation, new player.
Yes, I grabbed the Native build. To check this out again, I also tried your download link. The rockbox-info.txt shows:Target: erosqnative
Version: 7e31b73eda-240910.
I don't have a"rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn" redirect file on the card.
Booting into the stock firmware (Hold Play + Power) works.
Ok. I would like to check the SD card - I know you said you tried a couple of them, but I would like to verify that it should work. How big of a card is it? Do you know how to check if the card's partition table is GPT or MBR? I would like to verify that the partition table is MBR, and double-check that it is formatted as FAT.
Also, how did you format the card?
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by lubatur on Today at 02:15:35 PM »Yes, it's a fresh installation, new player.
Yes, I grabbed the Native build. To check this out again, I also tried your download link. The rockbox-info.txt shows:Target: erosqnative
Version: 7e31b73eda-240910.
I don't have a"rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn" redirect file on the card.
Booting into the stock firmware (Hold Play + Power) works.
Yes, I grabbed the Native build. To check this out again, I also tried your download link. The rockbox-info.txt shows:Target: erosqnative
Version: 7e31b73eda-240910.
I don't have a"rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn" redirect file on the card.
Booting into the stock firmware (Hold Play + Power) works.
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on Today at 02:01:20 PM »Installing the new bootloader of your Google Drive link"erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw3-erosq.upt.upt" renamed to "update.upt" and running the stock recovery/updater tool works for me.
But it shows after restarting the player: "Error loading Rockbox - File not found".
The ".rockbox"-folder with the erosqnative version: 7e31b73eda-240910 is copied into the root directory of the SD card.
I tried two different SD cards formated in fat32.
Model: Surfans F20, original firmware v3.3.
This is a fresh installation, and you're sure that you grabbed the Native build? https://download.rockbox.org/daily/erosqnative/rockbox-erosqnative.zip
You do not have a "rockbox_main.aigo_erosqn" redirect file on the card, do you?
Does booting into the stock firmware work? (Hold Play + Power, I recommend holding Play until the screen comes on)
Also, whoops, I accidentally edited your post, sorry, didn't realize I could do that?
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by lubatur on Today at 01:18:19 PM »Installing the new bootloader of your Google Drive link"erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw3-erosq.upt.upt" renamed to "update.upt" and running the stock recovery/updater tool works for me.
But it shows after restarting the player: "Error loading Rockbox - File not found".
The ".rockbox"-folder with the erosqnative version: 7e31b73eda-240910 is copied into the root directory of the SD card.
I tried two different SD cards formated in fat32.
Model: Surfans F20, original firmware v3.3.
But it shows after restarting the player: "Error loading Rockbox - File not found".
The ".rockbox"-folder with the erosqnative version: 7e31b73eda-240910 is copied into the root directory of the SD card.
I tried two different SD cards formated in fat32.
Model: Surfans F20, original firmware v3.3.
Hardware / Re: AIGO EROS Q / AIGO EROS K / IRULU Surfans F20 / AGPTek H3 / HIFI WALKER H2
« Last post by dconrad on Today at 10:19:35 AM »@ZappBranigan2972 One more test - I've got some update files here if you would be willing to test them on your devices. These have the new bootloader, but they are installed by putting them on the SD card, naming them "update.upt", and running the stock recovery/updater tool.
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw1hw2-eros_h2.upt - This is for Hifiwalker V1.3 specifically, you can ignore it unless you happen to have that specific version
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw1hw2-erosq.upt - This is for all other hw1/hw2 devices pre-LCD changes
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw3-erosq.upt.upt - This is for all hw3 devices post-LCD changes
I just want to make sure they all work on their intended devices. They all work for me, but I know there are different flash chips in some of these devices.
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw1hw2-eros_h2.upt - This is for Hifiwalker V1.3 specifically, you can ignore it unless you happen to have that specific version
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw1hw2-erosq.upt - This is for all other hw1/hw2 devices pre-LCD changes
erosqnative_a7cfee640d-240909-hw3-erosq.upt.upt - This is for all hw3 devices post-LCD changes
I just want to make sure they all work on their intended devices. They all work for me, but I know there are different flash chips in some of these devices.
User Interface and Voice / Re: Make playlists use the database info of a song instead of its file name
« Last post by Frankenpod on Today at 05:54:01 AM »Am I correct in thinking the latest dev version has reimplemented this feature? It seems to be back (though I've gotten confused which version of rockbox I saw it on - it appeared and then was removed again, but now it's back?)
Am I right in thinking it now gets the information directly from the ID3 tags on-the-fly rather than the database? Was the plan not to use cuesheets and extended playlist formats? Was it decided to do it this way instead?
Anyway, it doesn't seem to cause a significant slowdown in accessing playlists.
[edit] if it's now a permanent feature I guess the manual probably needs another update?
Am I right in thinking it now gets the information directly from the ID3 tags on-the-fly rather than the database? Was the plan not to use cuesheets and extended playlist formats? Was it decided to do it this way instead?
Anyway, it doesn't seem to cause a significant slowdown in accessing playlists.
[edit] if it's now a permanent feature I guess the manual probably needs another update?