Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by rockbox_dev123 on February 05, 2025, 02:20:21 PM »I'll throw my $0.02 in and say to avoid SanDisk microSD cards with an ipod6g and rockbox.
Get a Samsung card as they're widely known to have fantastic compatibility.
Recently I bought a brand new SanDisk Ultra 512GB microSD from a brick and mortar store and it kept corrupting when used as a single card in an iFlash Quad with an iPod Classic (MB029LL/A*).
I returned it and instead bought a Samsung EVO Plus 512GB microSD which works perfectly.
This was also confirmed by a friend who had the same corruption issues even with genuine SanDisk cards in an iFlash Quad in an iPod Video.
However, I have a standard size (not microSD) SanDisk Extreme PRO UHS-I Card - 512GB in an iFlash Solo which works perfectly in an iPod Video.
Compatibility varies even with genuine cards and between devices.
Get a Samsung card as they're widely known to have fantastic compatibility.
Recently I bought a brand new SanDisk Ultra 512GB microSD from a brick and mortar store and it kept corrupting when used as a single card in an iFlash Quad with an iPod Classic (MB029LL/A*).
I returned it and instead bought a Samsung EVO Plus 512GB microSD which works perfectly.
This was also confirmed by a friend who had the same corruption issues even with genuine SanDisk cards in an iFlash Quad in an iPod Video.
However, I have a standard size (not microSD) SanDisk Extreme PRO UHS-I Card - 512GB in an iFlash Solo which works perfectly in an iPod Video.
Compatibility varies even with genuine cards and between devices.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by jayglo on February 05, 2025, 01:41:33 PM »My god I hope not. I think SD brands should write in the card boxes to do these tests in order to make this madness stop.
Btw thanks for the help man, I was buggin out hours and hours. Glad this forum exists
Btw thanks for the help man, I was buggin out hours and hours. Glad this forum exists
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 01:35:43 PM »I think its a matter of time before we see them local too the counterfeits are getting pretty convincing
but a write/read test doesn't lie
but a write/read test doesn't lie
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by jayglo on February 05, 2025, 01:33:39 PM »Okay I think this is the defintive answer. I've ran a 10gb write verify test with h2testw and it gave error after 3.4gb.
Btw I wasn't aware of how bad the sd market is.
I've already contacted the ebay seller (a clown) and he told me he doesn't accept returns BUT to "ship it back so that he can take it back to his supplier and get a replacement for me".
Lmao he better return my money back quick or get his first very negative feedback with pictures included.
Code: [Select]
Warning: Only 10000 of 255999 MByte tested.
The media is likely to be defective.
3.4 GByte OK (7263288 sectors)
6.3 GByte DATA LOST (13216712 sectors)
Details:0 KByte overwritten (0 sectors)
0 KByte slightly changed (< 8 bit/sector, 0 sectors)
6.3 GByte corrupted (13216712 sectors)
0 KByte aliased memory (0 sectors)
First error at offset: 0x00000000dcf87000
Expected: 0x00000000dcf87000
Found: 0xb3adcb72e11641ed
H2testw version 1.3
Writing speed: 6.11 MByte/s
Reading speed: 16.9 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4
Btw I wasn't aware of how bad the sd market is.
I've already contacted the ebay seller (a clown) and he told me he doesn't accept returns BUT to "ship it back so that he can take it back to his supplier and get a replacement for me".
Lmao he better return my money back quick or get his first very negative feedback with pictures included.
Hardware / Fake Flash - Does your SD card have Alzheimer's?
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 12:58:57 PM »Does your new SD card seem to just lose files after a certain limit?
Weird corruption issues?
Flaky reads and writes?
Did you buy it online?
You might have fake flash
What is Fake Flash?
Generally Fake Flash are factory seconds that have issues
Like lots of bad blocks or bad timings
Or even more common lately simply smaller flash chips
that have a fake capacity table to show to the user.
Windows and android users can use some of the tools listed here:
Similar tools exist for linux too or use 'dd'
F3 (Fight Flash Fraud/Fight Fake Flash)
'sudo apt install f3'
These tools have destructive testing methods some have non destructive tests too
Be advised you should back up any data you care about.
Ideally run these tests before you put any files on the drive
Weird corruption issues?
Flaky reads and writes?
Did you buy it online?
You might have fake flash
What is Fake Flash?
Generally Fake Flash are factory seconds that have issues
Like lots of bad blocks or bad timings
Or even more common lately simply smaller flash chips
that have a fake capacity table to show to the user.
Windows and android users can use some of the tools listed here:
Similar tools exist for linux too or use 'dd'
F3 (Fight Flash Fraud/Fight Fake Flash)
'sudo apt install f3'
These tools have destructive testing methods some have non destructive tests too
Be advised you should back up any data you care about.
Ideally run these tests before you put any files on the drive
FFT - Quick Size Test (destructive)
: (no label) [DRIVE] 249.0GiB Generic STORAGE DEVICE
Writing marker blocks to drive 3 at 800MiB intervals.
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
WARNING: no memory detected at one or more locations.
Test took 1 seconds.
319 sectors checked.
*** FAILED ***
Recommended maximum usable partition size: 3,196.0Mib (approx. Last good Sector=8185274)
F3 probe 7.2
Copyright (C) 2010 Digirati Internet LTDA.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
WARNING: Probing normally takes from a few seconds to 15 minutes, but
it can take longer. Please be patient.
Bad news: The device `/dev/sdb` is a counterfeit of type limbo
You can "fix" this device using the following command:
f3fix --last-sec=112570367 /dev/sdb
Device geometry:
*Usable* size: 53.68 GB (112570368 blocks)
Announced size: 1.91 TB (4096000000 blocks)
Module: 2.00 TB (2^41 Bytes)
Approximate cache size: 511.00 MB (1046528 blocks), need-reset=no
Physical block size: 512.00 Byte (2^9 Bytes)
Probe time: 49'46"
Operation: total time / count = avg time
Read: 49.75s / 2097717 = 23us
Write: 48'53" / 8373838 = 350us
Reset: 2us / 2 = 1us
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 12:27:10 PM »At this point anything you buy online is suspect.
The supply chain has been 'corrupted' ebay is ebay and you can't even trust amazon
to even send you the sellers product (THAT THE SELLER BOUGHT AND SHIPPED TO THEM!!)
So go brick and mortar haven't had a bad one bought local YET. (Except 1 PNY)
But I still run a capacity test before I spend hours transferring files because of the bad experiences from online sellers
and PNY
The supply chain has been 'corrupted' ebay is ebay and you can't even trust amazon
to even send you the sellers product (THAT THE SELLER BOUGHT AND SHIPPED TO THEM!!)
So go brick and mortar haven't had a bad one bought local YET. (Except 1 PNY)
But I still run a capacity test before I spend hours transferring files because of the bad experiences from online sellers
and PNY
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by RetiredTeacherGuy on February 05, 2025, 12:26:05 PM »You missed the final %Cd adding that mkes the second one work
but its not wanting to draw into Viewport 'c'
I'll keep working with it till I get it or give up..
I really want the %VB thing to work might have to do some extra processing to get there
this works but IDK if is actually going into 'c'Code: [Select]#%?mp<|%Cl(0,0,160,160,b,r)%VB%Cd|%Cl(0,0,140,140,c,c)%VB%Cd||>
Even with the second %Cd that I had forgotten, I still do not get two different sized (not cropped, but actually proportionally sized) images. Do you?
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 12:16:12 PM »well actually closer to 3GB
Yes this is probably fake flash, I have seen similar on a 5 year old card
when it shit the bed but if you just bought this then yes fake flash.
Yes this is probably fake flash, I have seen similar on a 5 year old card
when it shit the bed but if you just bought this then yes fake flash.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by jayglo on February 05, 2025, 11:55:01 AM »Okay it's indeed giving me an error, here is the log. Does this means it is actually a fake card? And even a 4gb one, since it says this?
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
Code: [Select]
FFT - Quick Size Test (destructive)
F: (no label) [DRIVE 3] 249.0GiB Generic STORAGE DEVICE
Writing marker blocks to drive 3 at 800MiB intervals.
5% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
10% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
15% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
20% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
25% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
30% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
35% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
40% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
45% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
50% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
55% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
60% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
65% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
70% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
75% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
80% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
85% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
90% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
95% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
100% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
Reading back marker blocks...
5% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
10% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
15% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
20% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
25% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
30% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
35% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
40% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
45% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
50% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
55% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
60% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
65% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
70% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
75% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
80% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
85% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
90% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
95% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
Memory tested in blocks of 1638400 sectors [319sectors checked].
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
WARNING: no memory detected at one or more locations.
Test took 1 seconds.
319 sectors checked.
*** FAILED ***
Recommended maximum usable partition size: 3,196.0Mib (approx. Last good Sector=8185274)
Unplug and re-connect the drive, then reformat it using Windows or RMPrepUSB.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 11:49:48 AM »This part is what I think might be happening (if its not a bug with us)