Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 12:16:12 PM »well actually closer to 3GB
Yes this is probably fake flash, I have seen similar on a 5 year old card
when it shit the bed but if you just bought this then yes fake flash.
Yes this is probably fake flash, I have seen similar on a 5 year old card
when it shit the bed but if you just bought this then yes fake flash.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by jayglo on February 05, 2025, 11:55:01 AM »Okay it's indeed giving me an error, here is the log. Does this means it is actually a fake card? And even a 4gb one, since it says this?
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
Code: [Select]
FFT - Quick Size Test (destructive)
F: (no label) [DRIVE 3] 249.0GiB Generic STORAGE DEVICE
Writing marker blocks to drive 3 at 800MiB intervals.
5% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
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80% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
85% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
90% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
95% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
100% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
Reading back marker blocks...
5% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
10% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
15% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
20% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
25% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
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75% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
80% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
85% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
90% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
95% complete - 0 min 1 sec remaining
Memory tested in blocks of 1638400 sectors [319sectors checked].
BAD MEMORY from sector 8185274 (3,996.0MiB) to sector 524281274 (255,996.0Mib)
WARNING: no memory detected at one or more locations.
Test took 1 seconds.
319 sectors checked.
*** FAILED ***
Recommended maximum usable partition size: 3,196.0Mib (approx. Last good Sector=8185274)
Unplug and re-connect the drive, then reformat it using Windows or RMPrepUSB.
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 11:49:48 AM »This part is what I think might be happening (if its not a bug with us)
Apple - Installation/Removal / Re: Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 11:44:37 AM »sounds like some kind of corruption
is this windows or linux you are using and are you sure its a real card?
Try a different card and or run a capacity test on the card before we go further
this is windows but similar tools exist for linux as well
I actually reposted this from another thread it might be us but it might be FAKE FLASH too
is this windows or linux you are using and are you sure its a real card?
Try a different card and or run a capacity test on the card before we go further
this is windows but similar tools exist for linux as well
Buying from eBay, Amazon, etc.
WARNING to all eBay and Amazon buyers – Always check the seller’s feedback – if anyone has given ANY neutral or negative feedback because of ‘corrupted’ data, then it is likely that all their products are counterfeit/fake. These devices will appear to work to start with, and do not fail until after you have left positive feedback!
Always test the memory using RMPrepUSB – Quick Size Test or FakeFlashTest before you use it. It would be a shame if you used a 64GB SD card for all your photos on that ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ holiday to Africa, only to find out that all your photos have gone! Also, please ensure you give the seller negative feedback and report them to eBay for selling fake goods – if they knowingly continue to sell fake goods they are criminals and don’t deserve good feedback! Also, get the eBay seller onto the eBay Fake Sellers list here.
Buying an SD card on eBay? – If you are buying an SD/SDHC card from an eBay seller, check the full description very carefully. Some sellers are advertising a ’16GB SD Class 10 SDHC card’ and then in the description say ‘these cards have been tested and may vary from 2GB to 32GB’ and ‘this is normal for cheap cards’ and even ‘the data you store will be compressed so don’t worry if you can only store 2GB as really you can store more’. This is all a load of rubbish! These cards are ‘fake capacity’ cards and have been deliberately manufactured to deceive the buyer! eBay seem quite content to allow these sellers to sell their fake goods and even allow them to pretty-much state that they are fake!
I actually reposted this from another thread it might be us but it might be FAKE FLASH too
Apple - Installation/Removal / Rockbox erasing itself after reboot. (iPod 7G Classic)
« Last post by jayglo on February 05, 2025, 11:38:06 AM »I used rockbox my iPod Classic 7g with a kingston 128gb micro sd on iFlash solo, and decided to upgrade to a Sony 256gb micro sd to have more space. (this one: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/kEwAAOSwqP9nl3T-/s-l1600.jpg)
So I've disconnected the battery, removed the old sd and insert the new one, restored with itunes and then tried to install rockbox.
Installation goes flawlessly and the .rockbox folder is showing on explorer, with all the installation files inside. But when I reboot I get the classic "can't find rockbox.ipod" error.
Weird, so I check again on explorer.
The .rockbox folder is still there but inside there is only:
What is happening?
So I've disconnected the battery, removed the old sd and insert the new one, restored with itunes and then tried to install rockbox.
Installation goes flawlessly and the .rockbox folder is showing on explorer, with all the installation files inside. But when I reboot I get the classic "can't find rockbox.ipod" error.
Weird, so I check again on explorer.
The .rockbox folder is still there but inside there is only:
- docs folder
- database.ignore
- tagnavi.config
What is happening?

Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 11:25:24 AM »You missed the final %Cd adding that mkes the second one work
but its not wanting to draw into Viewport 'c'
I'll keep working with it till I get it or give up..
I really want the %VB thing to work might have to do some extra processing to get there
this works but IDK if is actually going into 'c'
but its not wanting to draw into Viewport 'c'
I'll keep working with it till I get it or give up..
I really want the %VB thing to work might have to do some extra processing to get there
this works but IDK if is actually going into 'c'
Code: [Select]
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by RetiredTeacherGuy on February 05, 2025, 05:49:47 AM »After investigating this for a bit what I believe %VB is doing is drawing to the backdrop and that is working properly
but the skin engine never copies the new data in the backdrop buffer back to the screen
because it only does it on display->clear_viewport();
and the only time it gets done is when the viewport first appears due to this flag:Code: [Select]else if ((skin_viewport->hidden_flags & vp_is_appearing) == vp_is_appearing)
vp_refresh_mode = SKIN_REFRESH_ALL;
skin_viewport->hidden_flags = [b]VP_DRAW_HIDEABLE;[/b]
One way I was toying with is when the Backdrop is drawn to with images force a full refresh
we'll see how this goes...
Even without using %VB, I find that it will always use the last %Cl regardless. Try this:
Code: [Select]
For me, I get 140 x 140 in both play and pause
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by Bilgus on February 05, 2025, 12:04:42 AM »After investigating this for a bit what I believe %VB is doing is drawing to the backdrop and that is working properly
but the skin engine never copies the new data in the backdrop buffer back to the screen
because it only does it on display->clear_viewport();
and the only time it gets done is when the viewport first appears due to this flag:
One way I was toying with is when the Backdrop is drawn to with images force a full refresh
we'll see how this goes...
but the skin engine never copies the new data in the backdrop buffer back to the screen
because it only does it on display->clear_viewport();
and the only time it gets done is when the viewport first appears due to this flag:
Code: [Select]
else if ((skin_viewport->hidden_flags & vp_is_appearing) == vp_is_appearing)
vp_refresh_mode = SKIN_REFRESH_ALL;
skin_viewport->hidden_flags = [b]VP_DRAW_HIDEABLE;[/b]
One way I was toying with is when the Backdrop is drawn to with images force a full refresh
we'll see how this goes...
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by Bilgus on February 04, 2025, 07:28:25 PM »Took me a while to find this
When I do this it doesn't display the album art with VB till I shutdown lol..
I think VB is probably not going to work with this..
Viewport Draw Layer
Tag Description
%VB Draw on the backdrop layer
Rockbox uses two framebuffers when it does a screen redraw. The bottom layer is used for the backdrop image (the static parts of the display behind text for example), and the upper layer (the text/images). Using this tag you can tell the skin engine to instead draw everything in this viewport onto the backdrop layer instead of the foreground layer. Don't draw text here as it may not work too well. If the skin has this any %X() tag will be ignored and the whole screen will have a solid background (with the colour specified in the settings), so to get the most out of this feature:
Add a full screen viewport at the start of the skin .. i.e %V(0,0,-,-,-) %VB
Use %x(filename, 0, 0) to draw a backdrop image (If you want one!)
Then add %V(0,0,-,-,-) and continue with your skin as normal. Any viewports you want drawn on the backdrop need the %VB tag but otherwise code as normal.
When I do this it doesn't display the album art with VB till I shutdown lol..
I think VB is probably not going to work with this..
Theming and Appearance Customization / Re: Any possibility for conditional %Cl?
« Last post by Bilgus on February 04, 2025, 06:07:14 PM »Quote
#<Stop|Play|Pause|Ffwd|Rew|Rec|Rec pause|FM|FM pause>^
this works for me could you post something I can test with?
maybe your %VB is causing issue? I couldn't get what you posted above with th %VB and trailing % to work it did weird stuff like not updating till I popped a context menu or something else to force redraw
Yeah I just verified with %VB I have to do a context menu pop to get it to show
figure when you did that before this patch that VB is getting draw at load now you are doing it midstream
which is getting overwritten I'd guess