Okay, since I got such a quick reply now I'm going to abuse you guys. Now you'll really see my stupidity.
I getting my instructions from here:
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GigabeatFXPort#Installation_InstructionsAfter I've downloading everything and connected my F40, it tells me to:
Upload the Rockbox bootloader (first-time install, or whenever the Bootloader is updated):
* Copy the file FWIMG01.DAT to X:\GBSYSTEM\FWIMG
* Confirm that the file FWIMG01.DAT exists and is spelled correctly
* Copy the bootsplash.raw file into X:\
First Question: I don't understand this. How do you upload a file, copy, etc.?
Second Question: When I download from the link for the Bootloader, it goes to my desktop. Is this normal? They other downloads are in zip format and have their own window (which I don't want to close because I don't know where to find it again).
I feel really dumb and it's probably justified.
Thanks, again.