My wife bought a Gigabeat F40 on Ebay a few months ago, and subsequently suffered through hours of torture to load MP3s on the machine using horrible G-room.

I was using her player at the gym last week and found it horrible to navigate through, but the player was otherwise pretty cool. I searched for a firmware upgrade when I got home, that's when I found Rockbox. She was panicky about me installing it on her player, so I bought my own on Ebay for $120, and successfully installed Rockbox on it the same night I recieved it in the mail.

I took it to work on Friday and my friends (Ipod and PSP guys) were amazed at what the program enabled the formerly lame player to do. 8-) Now my wife wants Rockbox on her player, (she won't stop playing Rockblox on mine), and a few of my friends are searching for F40s of their own. Can I copy the root files from my player, overwrite the files on their players entirely, or do I have to do the install by the book the old way? I'm not that computer savvy, and I was a little nervous doing the install. I'd feel a lot more at ease just copying the drive on my player onto their players than I would the other way.