Third Party > Repairing and Upgrading Rockbox Capable Players
Help, ATA pbs...
I havce no idea how much it costs. If the drive is spinning, the connectors are probably fine. It might be that the drive is security-locked... Right now I can't remember how to determine if it is, but I can find that out for you.
Yes, it would be nice if I could be able to unlock the hard drive myself !
Thank you very much !
Could you tell me what happened before the ATA error occurred?
If it is locked, you can go here to read about how to unlock it:
Good luck!
It was plugged on 230V but not charging (why, I don't know).
I've tried to read data on my archos from a remate computer over my netwok but hard drive has failed to spin because of low was making the same noise as when you shut it down while hard drive spinning...
I will try to follow instructions to unlock my box !
Thank you very much !
That sounds like a situation where it might have locked the drive.
If it wasn't charging, you might have accidentally enabled the "deep discharge" option.
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