EDIT: sorry for taking up space, I managed to get it working!!!
Had to use the bleeding edge source and the newest kocop11.2 (i had used kocop11 before). Just make the build with the patch, drop it in rockbox and now i get good fps with sound!
Appologies for making a new post about this without testing it through and through. Please delete this if you must
Hi all
First of all, major THANKS for all the work done and RESPECT for your skills
I appologize if this isn't the correct forum to post this.
So I managed to get my cygwin running and configured (yay for me, almost no programming knowledge), and managed to make a build of rockbox with the latest kocop11.2.diff patch.
I use an iriver h10 20gb, encode my videos with the transcode.bat file found on the mpegplayer wiki page, with a video bitrate of 256 and audio of 128.
With FPS limit OFF, skip frames OFF, and with a normal non kocop patched version of rockbox running, I get perfect FPS on videos with no sound, but whenever I try playing one with sound, the fps slow down a lot, but audio keeps playing normally. After the audio track is done playing (which of course happens way before the video does), video resumes normal FPS.
So I thought of trying the kocop patch which supposedly helps in this matter (or so I understood). I get the exact same results!. No increase at all.
My question is, do I need a different bootloader (I thought I read that on the patch page, but I also read that the current one would work) to enable the second CPU? If so, where can I get it? Or do I have to build it myself too?
Or has the kocop patch already been included in the current builds of rockbox and I'm seeing the results I'm supposed to be seeing?
Thanks for any and all help, or just for taking the time to read!