Installation / Removal > Iriver - Installation/Removal/Flashing

how to unflash your iriver

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i figured there'd be stickies about this sorta sutff (install/uninstall/flash/unflash) but no. i looked it up in the wiki but didn't understand it. how do i restore my iriver to the original firmware? i have the iriver 120.

--- Quote --- Restoring the original firmware

If you want to restore the original firmware, you can do so by using a file from either one of these methods:

    * Convert an original firmware provided by iRiver from ihp_120.hex to ihp_120.bin
    * Use an existing flash rom backup image file

To restore the flash contents of the firmware section (bootloader will be always kept untouched, however we need to re-flash the critical reset vector sector), open the file from either one of the previously mentioned methods by iriver_flash and the contents of the original firmware section will be restored from the file.
--- End quote ---

so, you've given us the instructions but didn't tell what you didn't understand. While I haven't done this process yet I don't find anything ununderstandable. Unless you you tell us more details: my crystal ball is on vacation.

could you dummy it down for me? do i just replace the .hex file ?
how do i do this "Convert an original firmware provided by iRiver from ihp_120.hex to ihp_120.bin" and i dont get what this means, "To restore the flash contents of the firmware section (bootloader will be always kept untouched, however we need to re-flash the critical reset vector sector), open the file from either one of the previously mentioned methods by iriver_flash and the contents of the original firmware section will be restored from the file."

It means you need to decrypt the provided .hex file to unscrambled .bin format. To do that, you can checkout Rockbox SVN, and compile the tools/ -directory where you can found a program called descramble. That can do the conversion. We can't distribute the original firmware file because of copyright reasons, so it would be easier to use the backup file of the internal ROM if you took it earlier. If you are still unsure how to do it, please come to IRC.

This is, however only neccesary if you have flashed _rockbox_ (not just the bootloader) if you just have the bootloader flashed, get a clean copy of the original firmware .hex and boot into iriver firmware and "upgrade firmware" your rockbox bootloader will be gone without a trace. (Now, why you want to do this is another question  :P)


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