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Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
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Topic: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace! (Read 34268 times)
Posts: 3
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #30 on:
December 22, 2006, 04:36:23 PM »
I took the following from my logfile in Furcadia.
There are many memorials there for HCl.
Another is being held tomorrow at 1 PM FST.
Welcome to HCl's final resting place. It's a place of peace, and gentleness. You may give a speech in his honor, or listen to another's. His soul lays restless, his body lay lifeless. May nothing ever befall his soul or body. His grave is surrounded by the endless life of gorgeous life flowers, blessed by the tears of those who cared for him. Never to be forgotten, forever missed, HCl.
I need to make sure that we have everyone... Talz said there is another memorial service going on right now... I am going to see if we all can go there and then all come here for another one if its not to late.
If there's talking, you get a warning, then you'll be ejected if it continues! ~Jen
Hold up Cru! I'd like to say that there's still seats available on the sides of the structure! ~Jen
Let's wait on the speech until everyone gets settled, and they all understand that there is a no talking rule.
Ok. You all can stop summoning, no talking from this point on, and Cru, you may continue now. :-)
As many of you know, HCl was a very popular person and very sweet also. He believed in peace and from what everyone on Furcadia knows... He has never been in a big fight, as much as we care... It was time for him to move on, to a better place where he didn't have to deal with these problems. If he hated anything it was hate itself.. And for him to suffer, was very sad. For you guys who didn't know HCl, I am sorry for you because he was the best person you probley could ever meet. We want to follow in his foot steps... If you didn't know how HCl died.. It was from an ulcer which Talzhemir has explained on her Live Journal which I will post. We love HCl, and wish you a better after life.. We know you moved onto a better place, we miss you.
The link to Talzhemir's Live Journal is (URL:
For you guys who have not signed our petition for HCl, please sign it .... Located at (URL:
Well, I may not have known HCL personally, but from what I have heard, he must have been a pretty cool guy. I regret not knowing him, because I know now that it is too late. This tragety is one that people will never forget, and it also teaches a lesson. Taking time to know a person and talk to them really counts in the end. I can tell just by looking around me, that HCL was loved, very loved. I'm sure if I had known him... I would have loved him as well. HCL will be in our memories forever. ~Baci
Please stay tune for a word from Telly.
Everyone! We have reached a grand number of 22 people in honor of HCl!
First off, I'm very glad that most of his friends, whether you know him personally or not, are here. Because Hcl was a friend to everyone. New or old. Like many, I wish I would have stayed around longer for his hugs and words. I have known Hcl for 3-4 years now, it seems like only yesterday he was making fun of my dutch, inwhich I would talk to him through using a translator. I recall all the positive words inwhich he gave to everyone, whether it be a encouraging cookie, hug, or smile. He gave the best of each. -Still typing.-
I'm glad you are here, there are alot of us hurting, and wishing he was still here, and the best way to get through this is by wading through good memmories, aswell as talking about it.
I'm really not sure how to put into words what it's like to loose a person like HCl. For nearly two and a half years he was like the brother I never had to me. He was the most wonderful friend, and towards the end he became like a mentor to me. I'll miss those little conversations we had sitting in Naia, or Haven.. talking about religion, life, love, and other things. I learned so much from him. I'm sure that others learned much from him as well. He was so strong in his faith as well. He was truely an inspiration to us all. The impact he had on the world is probably far greater than he ever imagined he could have.. but then again, he did say that You must be the change you want to see in the world. We all love him dearly, and the joyous memories we have of him will never fade. We love you Michiel, and goodby. Make Plushies, not war!
Please guys, if you have not signed the petition for HCl, do it now. (URL:
Telford: This is so hard to type..
Crutomic is like, crying.
Telford goes back to giving more of a speech.
Haze: this is making me really sad
Crutomic is crying. :'(
Shaun Dreclin feels oddly nausiated
Teki is also crying..
In commemoration for Michiel. We'd like to dedicate this next 10 minutes to him, in silence.
I knew I was going to end up talking about this, though unsure, and still, how to start it off or to go on about it. It hurts so much to type here, or having to talk about death. But you just don't know how many lives one has affected, or your own life being affected until someone passes away. My life was affected by a true buddhist strong in his beliefs aswell in his caring for others aswell friends.
*rustle* Testing... 1, 2, 3... Is this thing on? Hello?--Oh, there we go. *ahem* Hello, Welcomers! A Welcomer class will be held in the Blue classroom at 2:50 FST (about 15 minutes from now)! Need a refresher? Now is the time!. Don't feel like walking? Just `join The_Rg or Rei-jin for a quick lift!
His motto was 'Make more plushies, not war."
In loving memmory, Hcl. I will miss you buddy. - Love Telford, always.
I wrote a basic message to HCl and I think I should post it.
Everyone! Let's give a huge hand to that wonderful speech by Telford!
Quick add in, last screenshot of Hcl, Telly, Definated. (URL:
Dear HCl, Hey bud... I know this might sound crazy, writing a letter to a friend I have lost? Naw, its fine because you were more than a friend to me.. Lke an older brother.. I miss you man, and will follow in your path of trying to keep it quiet on Furcadia. I really wish that I could do more because you made such a big impact on everyone, not just me.. But the whole Furcadian community, and its not me just saying that, its the Associates and Creators as well as everyone else... We all wish it weren't true, but we all know you hated how hate spreaded around so fast, and how everyone had their fights. You are in a better place now eh? I hope you like it there and never forget that the whole Furcadia community love you, and will not ever forget, as well as the real ones... [ Still Typing ]
Just a note, if you'd like to make a speech, whisper me and I'll whisper you when to go on with your speech. ~Jennavie
Speechers, please tag your emits so newcomers will know who's doing the speech. ~Jen
I don't know if you knew you were dieing, but the name of you character and the name of the acid that was in the ucler you had was just a bit scarey, and we just wish that if you knew you would have told us.. We were always here for you and will always be here for you when ever we meet again. You don't even know how much we all care... And that is why we always tried to get you help when you were in pain, and it hurt us to see that, but as you asked not to talk about it.. We left it alone... HCl we will always remember you in our hearts, and never forget as we move on day to day stepping where you did, making sure that you live on in this world and the past... I love you HCl, and I hope you knew it on the tragic day.
Shaun Dreclin is busy throwing up, but is still trying to follow along as closely as possible -_-;;
Please guys, if you have not signed the petition for HCl, do it now. (URL:
Now listen up for the upcoming speech by Crunchward!
Welcome to HCl's final resting place. It's a place of peace, and gentleness. You may give a speech in his honor, or listen to another's. His soul lays restless, his body lay lifeless. May nothing ever befall his soul or body. His grave is surrounded by the endless life of gorgeous life flowers, blessed by the tears of those who cared for him. Never to be forgotten, forever missed, HCl.
84 People Signed! Please Continue The Great worked!
Crunchward: HCl was a Much loved Furre among everyone he met. A Furre loved dearly by family and friends and a furre who we will continue to love forever more. He might not be with us in Person but remember that he never really left our heart. We still have our memories. He has changed my complete way of thinking. His impact on me and other cant be reversed.Dont Cry for his death but instead celebrate the fantastic life he had and the overwhelming impact he has had on the people around him.
I appologise for the typos. Its harder than it looks to type through teary eyes.
Tel had to leave for work, but she wishes everyone a great day! Remember, if you'd like to give a speech, whisper me! ~Jennavie
Listen up to Albatros' speech!
I didn't know HCl very well, though I know from those few times we spoke, that he was truely a good person. I like to look for flaws in everything, but with him I found nothing. I wish I would have talked to him more often, though it's too late to regret. Whenever I spoke to him, I would forget about the mask I put on for this game and gave up being a jerk, even if for a bit. It amazes me how he touched people like he did, and I wish him a good time in the afterlife. May he rest in peace, and let us never forget this wonderful person, and may he live on in our hearts.
Ok! Now let's give Skyda our full attention for her word!
Today Crutomic is creating a statue and dream for the memory of HCl, also a webiste. Please everyone make a signature with a transparent background, No bigger than 200x200... Please help him out as this is a contribution to HCl.
While we wait, the lineup for speeches is: 1. Skyda. 2. Varick 3. Tag McIt
Please whisper him now if you are interested.
HCl was a fond Journal writer and wrote in it every single day. His very last message said: "For the first time in at least 10 years, I remembered something of my early childhood." You can find his journal here:
I didn't know HCl much, but I did know that he was one of the nicer people on Furcadia. Back when I didn't know anything about Furcadia, he helped me make my first succesfull dream. If I didn't have his help, it wouldn't have gone anywhere. Thank you HCl for all your help. ~Skyda
Alright! Varick, please step forward to present your speech!
[Varick] I think we all would agree if I said that HCl is truely a role model. He made a wonderful impact on the world, as I and others have said before, and that will forever be remembered. I think he would want us to carry on what he did in his lifetime. We should strive to be like him.. kind, caring, peaceful.. make the world a better place. So, in his honor, lets all dedicate ourselves to continuing his work. What do you say?
Alright, time for Tag McIt's speech!
Wait a moment.
{ Tag McIt } HCl was a very friendly person, I don't think that anyone could find someone on Furcadia that disliked him. As Crunch said, we should celebrate his life. I can't imagine how his family is feeling if we're depressed like this... I just hope the best for the rest of his family and friends. Just by hearing stories of him and hearing about what he's done to ever, I can just tell that he could have been anything he wanted to be. He didn't have to help, but he did anyway. I'm pretty sure that, wherever he is now, he's smiling upon us.
Well.. I didnt know him very well. And I only met him a few times in all the time I've been seeing him, thats what makes me feel so bad. I hope that wherever he is, he is happier than he would be on earth. I will miss you, HCl. ~Shaun
Hi, everyone. I'm not sure if I know any of you...I didn't know HCl that much, either. But that was because I never gave myself the chance. I met him briefly one day, and friended him over LiveJournal...I began reading all of his entries and overnight I was quite enamored with him. But I was shy, I would simply sit in Naia and just see if he was there from time to time...then he was gone for a few days. I knew, right then, something was not right. Then I found out he was gone. This is just to say...don't hold back, don't be shy, you don't know how long you've got.
OOC Nash OOC: Thank you, Jen, First of all I wasn't Very close to HCl, He wasn't my best Friend ..we were simply friends who enjoyed each other company on occasion, we chatted over what seems close to 3-4 years, He was a Decent human being .. By that I mean, he was smart caring ...patient, and helpful and a huge Fricken asset to the Masons and Furcadia. He will be missed.
OOC Nash OOC: His death leaves me with guilt, and sorrow for not having gotten to know him Better. I do have some fond memories of him though and his extended Furcadia family to be there for in support. Everyone grieves differently. For some, gathering together for comfort some distancing themselves and trying to heal alone.
OOC Nash OOC: There has been talk of a petition have a memorial in Naia, a very noble idea, indeed. But to be Purrrfectly hones..t I feel that would be rather selfish of us to hold one lost soul over others. .. we have lost more than a few furre here in the years Furcadia has grown. Farrette & Alexis, were key Beekins ..and that's not mentioning at least a dozen furre I knew through Role-play who have died over the years.
OOC Nash OOC: I think it's a good idea to honor those who have passed on, perhaps having a petition for a new small Permanent Dream Memorial in Naia would work .. Ombra was thinking of organizing.. and trying to make such a thing, To honor all who we have lost. That's something HCl would have approved of .. holding him above others wouldn't have been ..
OOC Nash OOC: That's all I wanted to say.. I'm gonna head over to the statue and chill anyone's welcome to grab a copy of the iteme there.. For everyone who's hurting a Hug will be there for you.. Thank you for this service ..some of us need it to say goodbye.
OOC Nash OOC: I made a statue of him located here -' (URL: furc://snnashsn:hclmemorialstatue/) furc://snnashsn:hclmemorialstatue/ for those who wish to build small Private dream shrines to their friend.. you are all welcome to grab a copy of it as its unencrypted. A shrine will be made in the Haven.. the Dream he called home. Another service is being held Saturday, 1:00 FST time
Crunchward: There are many people who are evidently sad by the recent passing away of a dear friend, HCl. Remember the good he has done, Though and be happy that so many people still love him. Remember that it is his life that counts. The death is not necessaraly the end if you dont want it to be.
Posts: 3
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #31 on:
December 23, 2006, 10:25:36 AM »
Another memorial is being held today at 1 FST in Furcadia (An online community)
Posts: 22
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #32 on:
December 23, 2006, 05:39:16 PM »
This is so sad. My condolences.
I'm in tears...
Posts: 10
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #33 on:
December 27, 2006, 08:43:08 AM »
What a shock. what a poor loss to all of us. But most of all it's very sad to die such a young age.
Rust in vrede michiel...
Posts: 3
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #34 on:
January 07, 2007, 01:02:00 PM »
i'm a newby, but i want to say: r.i.p.
Posts: 5
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #35 on:
January 08, 2007, 10:01:04 AM »
This is awful. 23 is such a young age and when someone passes away before their time it is always tragic.
Posts: 108
Re: Michiel van der Kolk, a.k.a HCl, rest in peace!
Reply #36 on:
January 10, 2007, 02:54:52 PM »
Lets just be thankful for his help on rockbox before his shortcoming.
rest in peace michiel
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