Third Party > Unsupported Builds


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Start a thread in this forum ONLY to announce a new custom build.

If you have questions about a build you found via a thread in this forum, ONLY ASK ABOUT IT IN THAT THREAD.

Builds in this forum are not officially supported. Any time you think you've found a bug in Rockbox, and not just one of these builds, use the "current build" link on the left of the screen to download a new, official copy, and make sure the problem happens there before making an official bug report of it.

Questions about unofficial builds outside of their topics may be deleted without explanation.

All thread topics should be in this format:
Supported Players: Your Name Your Build's Name

Note: This board is sorted Alphabetically so that a user might more easily find a port for their target.

Small update:

I'm going to start removing builds if they aren't updated for over a month. If you're going to be gone for a period and will not be able to update your build, I will gladly leave the thread until you return, but at this time I feel the most important thing is to try to keep the unsupported builds section trim. I've unlocked this topic in case you want to offer objections or suggestions as to a better way. I'll begin doing this in two days, I believe.


--- Quote from: Llorean on December 21, 2006, 09:33:49 PM ---
I'm going to start removing builds if they aren't updated for over a month....I've unlocked this topic in case you want to offer objections or suggestions as to a better way.

--- End quote ---

How about a sub topic archiving the older build threads?


In case a lot of people chime in and say they don't like the idea, I just want you to know I love it.  Sorted by name instead of date, any new posts off the first page could become lost.

This is not related to your idea Llorean, but I think it would be nice if builds were requires to have the date they last uploaded on in the title. This I guess would help you out in your removal process, and it would let everyone else know that the build is not from a month old source.


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