Third Party > Repairing and Upgrading Rockbox Capable Players

The just friggin sucks!!! Not rockbox though.

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radiator? do you mean a heater?

Ahh sorry you're an American I take it? Cultural differences, I guess I mean heater but here in Wales we call them radiators

ahh, yeah, here in the US we call a radiator that thing thats at the front a car.

There are also radiators in the US. But Travishayes89 may be a bit too young to have seen a proper one.

here too ha ha, but also it the heaters.....
can you imagine putting your iPod on a car radiator though oh dear....
The hard drive should be ok, I think, if I remember before someone spilled coffe on their iPod and some people with more techy knowledge said the harddrive was hermetically sealed, so as long as you can dry it out without overheating it, it might live!
Unless of course you had already done your business in the toilet... then I wouldnt really touch it again


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