Um, I seem to have a super-freak problem with my iPod and Rockbox. Rockbox was working great, but than I was messing around with my computer and installed Vista. I was transfering files betweens operating systems via my iPod, using it as a sort of external HD, but than Vista ruined everything... I plugged it in and it corrupted a file and tried formating my iPod automatically. I canceled the process, but I'm positive it still got some important Rockbox files, maybe even an entire partition. Now my computer can't detect my iPod and it only gives me this message:
Rockbox bootloader
Version: 20060126-1839
TPOD version: 0xFFFFFFFF
No partition found
Partition 1: 0x9B 28537 MB
Loading Rockbox...
I'm frazzled and don't really know where to begin fixing this, I would usually just restore a new iPod version with the iPod Update Utility, but as I said... my computer doesn't detect it at all. Also, my iPod just keeps booting that message and than going to the dead battery icon. So some serious stuff is messed up... haha, why me?
Oh and as a little sidenote, never use Windows Vista, worst operating system conceived by a rich, rich, man. Go Steve Jobs! Go Linus! Go Windows XP! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!