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Does rockbox solve ipod EQ distortion problem?
You can use the "Precut" feature in Rockbox's EQ to reduce pre-amp gain when using the EQ, and thus avoid the type of distortion that occurs in the ipod EQ.
By the way, mp3gain works by changing the audio data, not the tags, and thus causes "damage" to your mp3s by destroying original audio data.
The precut feature (as previously mentioned) and ReplayGain are far superior alternatives.
--- Quote from: soap on August 12, 2006, 09:50:11 AM ---By the way, mp3gain works by changing the audio data, not the tags, and thus causes "damage" to your mp3s by destroying original audio data.
The precut feature (as previously mentioned) and ReplayGain are far superior alternatives.
--- End quote ---
I disagree. mp3gain also only changes the mp3s's tag not the content. Actually, mp3gain has some advantages over replaygain. please read its manual.
anyway, precut is very interesting feature. i dont like the way of using mp3gain to fix this problem. it's a firmware problem not the player or mp3s. That's why i'm hanging around here. :)
MP3gain changes the gain on each frame in an MP3 making it work across all players that support MP3. It usually also adds an 'undo' APEv2 tag to the MP3 so you change the gain back to normal.
It does not destroy any MP3 data or the like. Replaygain is a very similar solution, except the gain values are kept in tags/LAME header meaning the decoder has to know to look for them, if it doesn't the volume will be unchanged. But this also means it's completely lossless.
I prefer Replygain for two reasons:
1.) The target loudness is always set to 89 dB, meaning all my files are gained to the same value.
2.)Replaygain is truely lossless, unlike MP3Gain which if you lose the APE tag (which can happen very easily with crappy taggers) there's not way you can get the gain back to its original value.
Very clear explaination ;D.
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