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Backing up iPod
If I drag and drop the whole of my ipod onto a backup folder, would this be a sufficient backup? (In other words, later I will reset my iPod and drag it all back over replacing the stuff on the iPod)
If I were to do this, would it have the iPod go to the state it is in when i make the backup, or do I need to do more?
Your music is and the more important stuff on your iPod is stored in a folder that is called "ipodcontrool" or something like that. it is a hidden folder so make sure you can see everything.
The best thing would be to create a disk image of your iPod and if you are on a Mac you can use the disk utility, select your iPod and click "new image". If something happens you can restore your iPod with that image. (if you are on a pc, I don't know how you would make a disk image, sorry)
I'll explain what I'm doing:
Me and my family are going on a weeks holiday with lots of driving. My dad wants to put his classical music collection on my iPod so we dont have to take loads of CDs in the car. After the trip, I don't want to select "shuffle" and get a load of classical music being played, so I want to be able to revert my iPod back to the state it was in BEFORE the trip.
If you have ROCKbox just save the folder where you keep your music just save that and your playlists on your system somewhere and move your dad's music on. just swap it off when you get your iPod back. Rockbox doesn't hide any music data so when you take misic off it will be off and when you drag music on it will be on.
The problem is, i do all my music through iTunes, and RockBox just uses the tags. I could always manually remove all the music through iTunes later, though it would be a bit of an annoyance.
I'll probably just do that, because I can sort it by genre and remove the specific tracks. You can remove (multiple) tracks via iTunes right?
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