I just plug my H340 in my Mixer to record a dj set, but it's sooooooooo soft! And I can't find any recording settings so that I can change the input level.
With my iRiver OS never had any problems..
On the recording screen, use up/down to move through the settings you can change on the fly (currently volume (monitor) and recording gain).
On the line you want to change, use left/right to change.
To change source or access other recording settings, press A-B to go to the recording settings menu.
You'll see that, unlike your iRiver OS, you can:
- see the recording levels
- change gain on-the-fly
- have access to the complete gain range the hardware supports, which is far bigger than what iriver wants you to use.
As a tip, don't use too much gain, try to adjust the input level so you can work in the 0-10dB range. Above 20dB the pre-amp may get a bit more noisy...