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Help installed rb but ipod wont show up on my computer


couldnt enable disk use so now the ipod dosnt show up on my computer when attached,
i can get to it manually on the pc but it is a pain
any ideas?


Could you explain a little more what you mean?
I have no idea what you mean by "get to it manually"? Do you mean browse to the drive, or what?

It's very hard to help without you actually explaining a bit of what you mean. If it doesn't show up on your computer, how do you get to it at all?

i use winrar to search the c drive manually and can upload there
however i would like it to pop up in my computer like my iriver h120 does that also uses rockbox.
when i plug in my ipod i get the apple logo and the no symbol defalt from ipod
so i think i need to uninstall and reinstall

yea i fixed it however im looking for more screens themes where can i find color display themes?

Try the WpsGallery page in the wiki.


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