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%Cl(xpos,ypos,maxwidth,maxheight,[horizontal alignment],[vertical alignment])
looks like %Cl already has some optionsQuote%Cl(xpos,ypos,maxwidth,maxheight,[horizontal alignment],[vertical alignment]) i assume max width/height only serve to resize after load?I guess the question is what do you envision it doing?like an extra index that lets you select or specifying a size?and how does it get along with the current themescan't go breaking stuff
D.21.1. How to display the album artOnce the album art files are present on your player, they can be displayed as follows.TagDescription%Cl(x,y,[maxwidth], Define the settings for album art[maxheight],x: x coordinatehor_align,y: y coordinatevert_align)maxwidth: Maximum heightmaxheight: Maximum widthhor_align: Horizontal alignment, enter as ‘l’, ‘c’ or ‘r’ forleft, centre or right. Centre is defaultvert_align: Vertical alignment, enter as ‘t’, ‘c’ or ‘b’ for top,centre or bottom. Centre is default%CdDisplay the album art as configured.%CUse in a conditional to determine if an image is available.The picture will be rescaled, preserving aspect ratio to fit the given maxwidth andmaxheight. If the aspect ratio doesn’t match the configured values, the picture will beplaced according to the alignment flags.Examples:1. Load albumart at position 20,40 and display it without resizing:%Cl(20,40„)Appendix D. Theme Tags2. Load albumart at position 0,20 and resize it to be at most 100×100 pixels. If theimage isn’t square, align it to the bottom-right corner:%Cl(0,20,100,100,r,b)
there are a couple of caveats in that manual entrynamely: 'If the aspect ratio doesn’t match the configured values, the picture will beplaced according to the alignment flags.' QuoteD.21.1. How to display the album artOnce the album art files are present on your player, they can be displayed as follows.TagDescription%Cl(x,y,[maxwidth], Define the settings for album art[maxheight],x: x coordinatehor_align,y: y coordinatevert_align)maxwidth: Maximum heightmaxheight: Maximum widthhor_align: Horizontal alignment, enter as ‘l’, ‘c’ or ‘r’ forleft, centre or right. Centre is defaultvert_align: Vertical alignment, enter as ‘t’, ‘c’ or ‘b’ for top,centre or bottom. Centre is default%CdDisplay the album art as configured.%CUse in a conditional to determine if an image is available.The picture will be rescaled, preserving aspect ratio to fit the given maxwidth andmaxheight. If the aspect ratio doesn’t match the configured values, the picture will beplaced according to the alignment flags.Examples:1. Load albumart at position 20,40 and display it without resizing:%Cl(20,40„)Appendix D. Theme Tags2. Load albumart at position 0,20 and resize it to be at most 100×100 pixels. If theimage isn’t square, align it to the bottom-right corner:%Cl(0,20,100,100,r,b)maybe it does work but the ratio is wrong? maybe try making one 'rb' right bottom and the other 'tl' top leftsee if it changes?I'll look into it this eve
I very dimly remember having much the same issue. I think you can have different sized artwork in the WPS and the SBS, as in you can't load different sizes within one screen.
There is actually a patch for this from 2014, from what I remember reading it was also supposed to lead into tags for showing the previous and next songs. Not sure why it wasn't merged in the end since it appears to have worked at the time and had some support.
Great, how can I best help?
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