I did a manual restore following the guide here:
https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodManualRestoreIt seems like I can install rockbox just fine, but my iPod is a 128gb model and it says it only has an 80gb volume when I plug it into my linux machine.
I went to plug it into my macbook pro but it doesn't seem to be mounting properly at all. It recognizes the device as an iPod but when I click on it in finder, it just says "Loading..." and it is also not recognized in iTunes. I checked Disk Utility and it is listed under External >> disk4s2.
I tired running first aid, but it fails. "Can't open (Operation not permitted) File system check exit code is 8 Restoring the original state File System verify failed. : (-69845)"
Any tips? I'd like to make sure I can use all 128gb and it would be nice to be able to switch back and forth between rockbox and the og ipod firmware.