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IPod Photo (4th gen) iusses- errors when using plugins or playing music [SOLVED]

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I want to first state that I am new to rockbox, so I might not understand some things fully and this might be a problem that has been solved, but I could not find any previous posts about this or any documentation of the errors I have found. Also if it would help I am using windows.

For starters I tested this with a 32gb card formatted to Fat32 and a 256gb card formatted to Exfat, both with the same result. I am using an Ipod Color I Photo (4th gen) and installing the Stable version of rockbox. No problems installing rockbox, but problems are apparent very quickly on the Ipod itself. The main menu of rockbox runs fine with no problems.

The first problem comes when trying to play music. In my testing I have tried mp3 and flac files, but the same problem has come up. When I try to play one of the files sometimes it works, but 90% of the time it tries to load and then it either gets stuck loading, and I have to restart the Ipod or it displays an error: Error accessing playlist control file (-35163), and I have to restart the Ipod. Also once this happens it will keep happening unless I uninstall rockbox, I don’t have to uninstall the bootloader though.

There is also a problem with running plugins. For testing I use 2048.  I have also tested alarm clocks and others, but the result is the same. On a fresh install of rockbox it works fine. When I select a plugin, it works at first.  I can get in the 2048 menu and can press Play, Quit, Scores, etc.  It’s only when I quit the plugin the problem happens. When I select Quit it says, Saving… and sits for around 10 seconds, then brings me to the plugin selection area. After this if I then try to run the same or a different plugin it says, Loading… then show this error (I am using what it would show if selected 2048) Can’t open /.rockbox/rocks/game/2048.rock. Then kicks me back to the games section of the plugins menu.

 I have no clue on how you would go about fixing this, but I do have possible causes of the problems. I believe that the plugin problem has something to do with the long “Saving…” displayed after exiting, but I'm not sure. Then for music not playing I have no clue most likely something to do with the playlist, but no idea.

   Tested with a 32gb card formatted to Fat32 and a 256gb card formatted to Exfat, both with the same result. I am using an  Ipod Color I Photo (4th gen) and installing the Stable version of rockbox.  Audio files run sometimes or try to load and then shows: Error accessing playlist control file (-35163). Then with plugins there can run once, but as soon as I try the same or different plugin it shows: Can’t open /.rockbox/rocks/game/PLUGIN_NAME.rock. I believe that the plugin problem has something to do with the long “Saving…” displayed after exiting, but I'm not sure. Then for music not playing I have no clue most likely something to do with the playlist, but no idea.

our stable (3.15) doesn't do well with iPods get the latest dev version and come back if you still have issues

If you're going to run modded hardware you essentially have to run the lateat development build. Old stable releases are very unlikely to work.

Ok, I tried the dev build and not much has changed. Audio files now just load seemingly forever, and I have to restart the Ipod to get it to stop. However, it sometime show an error: Error accessing playlist control file. This is somehow different from the previous audio file error: Error accessing playlist control file (-35163). Then for plugins it's the same process as before but this time with a different error: Can't open /<HDD0>/.rockbox/rocks/games/2048.rock.

You probably need to reformat the disk as well since it will likely be corrupt from running the old build.  If the reformatted disk gets corrupted again with the latest built you might be out of luck until someone looks into your adapter and figures out how to make it work.


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