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The theme and color schemes you've posted look very beautiful! You can eliminate flashing of the UI viewport when changing screens, by preventing simultaneously displayed, overlapping viewports, i.e. by constraining the height of the time viewport to 37, height of the day to 26 and (possibly) x/y-coordinates of usb to 1,1, so that they don' conflict with the UI viewport. I think your other theme has a similar issue that's easily remediedI noticed that the USB viewport didn't display anything for me (literally a white screen), because the current font didn't have the needed characters. You'll probably want to explicitly set a font for the viewport, or users may get very different experiences with your theme. If, in addition to that, you set a font in your themes config file, it will be used in plugins like PictureFlow or when displaying file tags in fullscreen, instead of whatever the user has set, possibly from a previous theme.some other things that caught my eye:- maybe on purpose: the "red" area of the volume bar seems to start at -6dB already on an iPod video- Personally I would exchange the artist field for the track title, but that could just be me- A stylistic choice to go without a UI viewport title, I assume, although it can be quite useful, e.g. to see what playlist you're in- SBS doesn't seem to have a lock indicator (on purpose?)- always a good idea to reset backdrop and filetype colors from a previous theme:backdrop: -filetype colours: -
Downloaded, I love the BONES theme as well. This is really cool!
Should I just make sure all viewports explicitly have a height?
This is an unbelievably cool theme. It's great to see you really stretch your theme muscles, I think this is the most excited a theme has made me in ages! There's some really creative features in here, not even mentioning how fantastic your design style is for rockbox. I think the community is going to have a field day with this
Just had a play, and I like it. I had a couple of issues, though. The right channel peak value disappears on the right side, presumably because my play list was large, see pic.
#__Track Time / Playlist position / Counter%V(43,211,257,17,3)%al%pc_%pr%ac%?if(%pt, >, 35999)<|%pp_%pe>%ar%?if(%pe, >, 999)<%pR|%pL_%pR>
hopefully eliminate viewport flashing.
The USB screen should work for everybody now. The experiment with ASCII text didn't work out but I think it is cooler now anyway.
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