Support and General Use > Theming and Appearance Customization
Best practice for use of playername with the new %ft theme tag?
Now that we have the powerful and flexible %ft theme tag, I'm trying to decide what is the best method for a theme to use for retrieving users' cached dap player names - by that, I mean the best method for users' ease of use so that they might be able to specify their player's name in just one .txt file and not have to edit the file contents or location when switching between themes that incorporate a player name into those themes' user interfaces. I think it would be very much to the benefit of users if a player name caching standard could be encouraged for use by theme authors/creators.
I can see numerous options but here are the most basic ones that occur to me, using "My Player" as an example player name and /playername.txt as an example filename and location:
1 - /playername.txt contains only "My Player". The theme could correctly retrieve it with either %ft(playername.txt) or %ft(playername.txt,0).
2 - /playername.txt contains "My Player" as its complete first line as well as other data on subsequent lines. Again the theme could correctly retrieve the name with either %ft(playername.txt) or %ft(playername.txt,0).
3 - /playername.txt contains one or more lines of data with "My Player" as any single complete line within the file. The theme could correctly retrieve it with %ft(playername.txt,N), with N being the name's zero-based line number.
4 - /playername.txt contains one or more lines of data with "name:My Player" as any one complete line within the file. The theme could correctly retrieve the name with %ft(playername.txt,name:).
It seems to me that option 1 is the absolute simplest, cleanest and most bulletproof. Other data more specific to individual themes could be put in other .txt files and retrieved by various methods. Option 2 is fairly simple but not nearly as clean as option 1. Options 3 and 4 place a greater data management burden on users and a higher possibility of failure and need for user editing of the .txt file when switching between installed themes.
If I've got my facts straight and if there is general agreement on this, or on any other specs/methods that developers and forum readers suggest, perhaps it should be added to the Rockbox User Manual as a specific example in the description of %ft? Or maybe the general sentiment will be that playername will not be employed widely enough to warrant a suggestion of a standard usage in the manual? I guess I'm mainly hoping to implement it in a way that won't clash with other themes' implementations.
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