Rockbox Development > Feature Ideas

move then skip, instead of skip then move?


[Sorry, i previously posted this message in,25.0.html feel free to erase it there as it seems to have more its space here]

Hello there,

I wonder how much my wish is compatible with the way rockbox is actually progammed, but something frustrates me:

-> upon long-pressing "next" in order to skip within a track: FIRST the sound goes off, THEN i move towards the desired point, THEN sound resumes at the  desired point.

Would it be complicated to have the opposite: FIRST moving towards the desired point, THEN the sound goes (off and immediately back on and thus) resumes at the desired point?

I feel like having much less such long gaps would provide for a much better listening experience when skimming through tracks/albums... and also enable to better compare sound textures and features from point A to point B, without a long pause in between...

What do you think? does that seem reasonable and feasible?

I think it’s reasonable, but from what I remember, it’s not that feasible. I checked this code not too long ago while implementing the rewind across tracks functionality. From what I recall, it’s easy to implement as a “quick fix,” but the trouble lies in the edge cases. For instance, if you rewind and the track keeps playing after you finish rewinding, it will work nicely. However, if a track ends while you’re still rewinding, it will fail miserably with unexpected result. And handling this case is not a trivial task with the current design, but that’s my understanding.

A very valid edge case indeed!!

In that case, shall an expected behaviour be to prevent the track from skiping to the next until the input of seeking is complete? and then enforce the seeking, instead of an automatic track change?

Are there any other edge cases you can think of?



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