Support and General Use > Audio Playback, Database and Playlists

Playlist ordering used by 'Playing Next...'


I'm trying to find a way to have my iPod play all albums with the primary ordering by album title and secondary ordering by track number.  Using 'Playing Next...' on Database->Album in the Database Viewer gives me a dynamic playlist of all tracks ordered solely alphabetically by track title, irrespective of what album the tracks are from.  Apparently, it's using the same mechanism to build the playlist as does the '[All tracks]' item at the top of the Database->Album menu.  'Playing Next...' seems to use that same alphabetical ordering of all tracks for all upper level database menus - it's only when I navigate through the database down to a specific album that a 'Playing Next...' playlist gets ordered by track number.

I'm not finding any Database or Playlist settings, nor anything re tagnavi_custom.config that will give me what I'm looking for.  Is there something out there that I'm missing?


You're not missing anything. There's patches on Gerrit providing that functionality, but nothing merged as of yet.

Thanks very much for letting me know.


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