Rockbox Development > Feature Ideas

First button press enables backlight only (when docked)


I'd like to modify rockbox so that when "First button press enables backlight only" is set to "No" that rockbox acts as if this value is set to "Yes" only when docked.

I'm digging through the source and if I can work it out I'll put a patch here.

We already have a setting for when charging I believe does this not overlap?


--- Quote from: Bilgus on December 19, 2024, 06:41:15 PM ---We already have a setting for when charging I believe does this not overlap?

--- End quote ---

If you could tell me the setting's name that would be great. I couldn't see it documented in the manual:

'Backlight (While Plugged In).'

and under exemptions 'Disable on External Power'

I think this is probably the reverse of what you are asking for..


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