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I tried to install Rockbox Software for HiFIMAN HM-601 Slim 8G, and It showed a white screen after rebooting.
WARNING! Some of new HM-601 Slim have another type of display. Driver for such display is not implemented, so if you see only white screen after boot, follow uninstallation instructions on this page below
The Problem is, that I've already tried to uninstall.
To Step 0...
It's the HiFiMAN that is not. My Computer has the .zip File and the normal Folder on its Desktop,
the Problem is, that my Computer doesn't recognitze the HiFiMAN HM-601 Slim 8GB and the HiFiMAN is booting, but with a white screen.
But then the note with uninstalling it after the white screen doesn't work anyway, does it?!
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