Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Hi Rockbox-FansI have already successfully installed rockbox on the same device some times ago.However now it does not work anymore.The steps I do for installation:First mount the player as storage device with: jmtpfs ~/sonywalkman/I download from dev_builds the rockbox firmware.Then I unzip it to the root directory of the player:unzip -d ~/sonywalkman/Storage\ Media/Put the firmware as described to the same folder.Unmount and unplug device.Plug it again.and then use the scscitool:./scsitool_64-nwz-v27 ~/sonywalkman/ do_fw_upgradehowever here I get the message: Cannot open deviceDo you have any idea why this happens and how I could fix it?Thanks in advanceTobias
HI philden and Milardo,executing with sudo did not change anything.@philden: the device is not mounted in location /dev...but on :/run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=Sony_WALKMAN_10FEA695760168/Storage Mediausing gvfs mount.Using this default mount point does not allow to copy files to the root directory of the mp3 player.Therefore I use jmtpfs which allows me to easily mount mtp devices, as the Sony-mp3 player is.Best Regards Tobias
Hi Milandro,I tried to install Rockbox with Ubuntu 18, and Ubuntu 22. Same issue on both of those distros.My player is not mounted under /dev because sony uses mtp-protocol.By default this mounts the player under /run/user/1000/gvfs/How to mount it as default under /dev I don't know.Thanks for your effort!Tobias
Hi Milandro,I get only one volume when I plug the mp3-player, but never the /dev/...Attached a screenshot.I am not sure if testing this on slightly different OS versions will have any change on the mounting...Best Regards Tobias
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