Hi, I'm trying to convert a font with cjk characters from ttf to fnt using makefont. (I combined NotoSans for cjk, arabic, and latin alphabet, it's about 583kb.)
The program works perfectly for another font I have (ProFont, about 56kb as a ttf, 27kb as fnt), but it's been stuck on step two for the past half hour, while it took a second to convert the other font. Is this normal?
---Converting File----------------------------------------------------------
Input File: NotoMultiLang.ttf Output Font Size: 15pt
Output File: "15-NotoMultiLang.ttf.fnt"
Converting TTF/OTF to BDF...
Converting BDF to ROCKbox FNT...
Header parsed
I tried using
https://ttf2fnt.com/, although it said file converted successfully, the output seems invalid, it is only 2kb and breaks my wps.