Support and General Use > User Interface and Voice

Narrator Voices As TTS?


The Narrator voices in Windows 11 are phenomenal.  But, they're not TTS.  Is there a way to use those voices to create talk files?

I'm legally blind and very familiar with Rockbox.  If the above doesn't work, can anyone recommend any free TTS engines?  The few built in TTS voices aren't that bad, but I kind of like playing with different voices. 



--- Quote from: mrsubway on December 10, 2024, 01:07:40 PM ---The Narrator voices in Windows 11 are phenomenal.  But, they're not TTS.  Is there a way to use those voices to create talk files?

I'm legally blind and very familiar with Rockbox.  If the above doesn't work, can anyone recommend any free TTS engines?  The few built in TTS voices aren't that bad, but I kind of like playing with different voices. 

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This seems to answer your question:

The short answer:  No.
The longer answer:  Not without paying Microsoft to use their (online only) Azure Speech APIs.


--- Quote from: speachy on December 10, 2024, 01:56:23 PM ---The short answer:  No.

--- End quote ---

But why? Your link mentions which if I understand correctly, allows the use of offline Windows 11 natural narrator voices as a standard SAPI engine


--- Quote from: bahus on December 11, 2024, 03:29:49 AM ---But why? Your link mentions which if I understand correctly, allows the use of offline Windows 11 natural narrator voices as a standard SAPI engine

--- End quote ---

In other words, Microsoft used a different API for local "Narrators" and a third party wired it up to SAPI.

Presumably if someone installs that, the Rockbox Utility's existing SAPI support will JustWork(tm).


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