Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
I have now reverted to my fully personalized installation of 1bf19eaaff-241124, with the language setting commented out of the .old, .new and current versions of my config.cfg files, and all the No/Yes menus look as they should.
...Grab the latest dev build (or the 1124 daily when it lands) and see what happens when you try changing the language.(If this does resolve the issue, it's due to a buffer overflow of the low-level disk cache code that has been been there a for a _long_ time. It could also explain some of the random wonkiness on the ipod5g, fuzeplus, and some uncommon devices... The ipod6g was accidentally immune until I ripped out bunch of device-specific hacks in its ATA device driver...)
Is there a glimmer of a clue in any of this?
So, here's a build that turns on a bunch of instrumentation when the language stuff is used. it up (pristine .rockbox dir please), then go into the settings, change the language (thereby triggering the problem, please make sure it happens too), then go into the debug menu and select 'dump log file'.That will create '/logf.txt' -- please send that my way. Hopefully that will tell me wtf is going on behind the scenes, and from there maybe figure out where things are going awry.
Question: are there dev builds older than 14 days that I can access/download or would I have to build them myself from source code? At this time I'm specifically interested in those between the beginning of October and now. Thanks.
The reason I want access to those dev builds older than 14 days (or more specifically from Sept 9 through Oct 29) is that I have an ipod6g currently running f7db73097a-240909 that doesn't exhibit the problem with the No/Yes menus. And I first noticed and reported the No/Yes menu bug with an ipod6g that was running 914a56f34c-241029 [,55041.0.html]. So using a binary-search-type process of elimination with dev builds from the earlier to the later, it should only take me a handful or so of tries to find the dev build in which the bug first appeared. That could lead us to the change(s) that caused the bug.
As for the reason for not keeping builds older than 2 weeks, that's quite simple -- each set of daily build artifacts takes up about 5.3GB, and storage gets expensive fast. Meanwhile. Please try the latest dev buiild. It includes a change for a corner case that I'd missed when doing the ata/bigsector refactoring. pressed send to soon, added description of the link.
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