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Apparently this affects all multivolume targets. I plan to track it down tonight, but it is a harmless display glitch.
Do you mean all multivolume-capable targets or all targets formatted with multivolumes?
The problem on the "rockbox info" screen affects all multivolume-capable targets (eg I see it on my xduoox3), but that wouldn't explain odd strings showing up in other contexts -- I thought that latter issue (on the ipod6g) was already resolved.
Okay, the garbage on the rockbox info screen should now be fixed. It should end up in a dev build in about 10 minutes, or you can wait for the next daily build (ie 20241124).
Any idea what's causing the display of "ouping" instead of "Yes" in the No/Yes menus? Is there anything I can do to help?
Quote from: iPodVT on November 23, 2024, 09:25:19 PMAny idea what's causing the display of "ouping" instead of "Yes" in the No/Yes menus? Is there anything I can do to help?Can you give me a specific menu to look at to see if this is recreatable on anything other than an ipod6g?Other question -- does this still happen with a completely new install (ie pristine .rockbox directory) ?
...does this still happen with a completely new install (ie pristine .rockbox directory) ?
So I will progressively add in components of my personalized configs etc and see if I can discover what might be triggering the "ouping".
Quote from: iPodVT on November 23, 2024, 10:16:19 PMSo I will progressively add in components of my personalized configs etc and see if I can discover what might be triggering the "ouping".This will be _very_ helpful. One strong possibility is the database and customized tagnavi.config.
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