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Okay, I have a HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL build for you to try. It allows use of hard drives with varying hardware sector sizes on the ipod6g family. https://www.shaftnet.org/~pizza/ipod6g-exp3.zip Install it, boot it up, and see what happens. If it boots up successfully, tell me the version string (system/about) and what shows up under 'logical sector size' , 'sector multiplier', and 'physical sector size' under the debug menu/disk info screen. Then plug it in via USB and see if it's detected properly and can be accessed. Fingers crossed.
Do you still want me to do the wireshark thing and, if so, which version of Rockbox should I be running for it?
I loaded my configs/themes/etc into my install of this experimental .rockbox directory, ran the Disk Tidy plugin, and then went to set my prefs in the Text Viewer plugin. When I went into the Show Header settings the choices were "No" and "ouping". Same with Show Footer, Show Statusbar, Horizontal Scroll Bar, Vertical Scroll Bar and Night Mode. Font had generic boxes for characters in its menu title and only one item: 15-Adobe-Helvetica. I didn't find any other anomalies.
If you could capture a USB sniff when you plug the drive into windows 10, that may provide some insight into what's going on (wireshark will do this for you if you install usbpcap when it prompts you). I'd want captures from the Apple firmware as well as Rockbox.
I'm currently in the Wireshark Windows installer and I don't see a component named 'usbpcap'. Do you mean 'UDPdump'? That's the closest match I'm finding.
I uploaded a new build, over the old one: https://www.shaftnet.org/~pizza/ipod6g-exp3.zipIt has a few fixes from the last one, notably including some USB-related stuff I came across when working on something else. When you're ready to do the USB captures, please use this one for the rockbox tests.
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