It occurred to me that the two shortcuts that broke (SysCfg and S.M.A.R.T. data) were for Debug Menu features that are not available on all devices (they're not available on some of the iPod models I have), and I thought that might be significant. So even though I had done the testing on an ipod6g which does include those features, I just now tried capitalizing the 'i' in 'info' for the shortcut
type: debug
data: View database info
which I believe is a feature available on all devices (or at least on every iPod model that I have). I tried it on an ipod6g, and that one broke, too.
So far I'm 3 for 3 with broken Debug Menu shortcuts and 0 for 1 with non Debug Menu shortcuts.
Admittedly, this is probably a very low priority issue but I thought I should mention it.