Support and General Use > Theming and Appearance Customization

Ability to use album covers in lists

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Not sure what devices can handle this, but the ability for theme writers to add album covers instead of icons in themes would be awesome.
This is sort of like what's done on the color iPods.

This might be a pointless expansion, but additional image support would also be cool
i.e. a playlist cover system and maybe even secondary images for songs (for themes to make use of custom background images for songs)... maybe that's too far but I find those neat.

Would something like the PictureFlow plug-in be helpful for you?

It is not really a list and not part of themes but it has a strong focus on album covers.

Ideally, I would like to add album cover support to the database browser when looking at album lists. I haven't familiarised myself with the code around album art or getting data from the database, so I can't say how possible it is.

There's an old, unfinished PR of a revamped album art system that was intended to have support for showing the next/previous song's album art. It would be nice to see this merged, but it probably has some work left to do on it.

My opinion isn't worth much as I'm not capable of adding such things myself, but seems to me it might be better to come at it from the other end - that is, gradually expanding the functionality of the pictureflow plug-in, rather than adding art to the database browser.

If one could add more options to pictureflow, to, for example, allow you to view covers as flat thumbnails (sliding sideways) as well as the forced-perspective rotating view that it currently uses, or to view them as a vertically-scrollable list accompanied by the album name, one could, maybe, gradually subsume many of the functions of the database view into pictureflow?


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