I have followed the guide for Mac (I don't have access to a windows) at
https://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32.html. I don't think it managed to do anything. I copied the commands into an editor, and with terminal, tried to run the command on the .bin file then run the command that was supposed to attach that bin file to the disk image of my ipodmini, in this case, disk4. When I ran the whole command together it looked like: 'dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/disk4'. I don't know what to expect it to do when it worked but the eject command did not work. when I ejected the iPod in finder it remounted the disk. I am not sure that it was supposed to do that. Is this command supposed to factory reset what is currently synced to the iPod? Does it just mount a bin file to the disk that primes it to be used in the rockbox easy installer?
here is my terminal session:
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/diskN
dd: /dev/diskN: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/iPod
dd: /dev/iPod: Operation not permitted
user@users-imac downloads % dd if=mbr-mini2g-4gb.bin of=/dev/disk4
dd: /dev/disk4: Permission denied
user@users-imac downloads % eject /dev/disk4
zsh: command not found: eject
user downloads %
Hope this finds help well.