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Status on Wolfenstein 3D Rockbox port?

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Hiya! I was just wondering if the rockbox port of Wolfenstein 3D is still in development; Has it been abandoned? I mainly ask this because the latest build, as far as I'm aware, only supports the shareware version, not the full game. Are there any plans to make this a complete port? If not, how hard would it be to run the full game on the current build; Is such a thing even possible?
-Gunier J. Kintgen, Your Pal.

Hi, I did this port. I've not worked on it since I merged it in 2019.

The game code supports several versions of the game, including the various versions of the shareware, full version, and Spear of Destiny (which shares the engine code). However, any binary build supports only a single version, selected at compile time. See here:

It appears that when I initially added the port, I developed it against the full v1.4 version, but then changed to the shareware (commit 19c154f), so that we could bundle the shareware with Rockbox Utility.

I don't see a good way of detecting and changing the version at run-time (except with a fairly involved development effort). So I think the best thing you could do is to change the #defines in the version.h file linked above (I think you just need to comment out the #define UPLOAD line), and compile a custom build to suit your game files.

Sorry to ask, but how would I go about compiling a custom build? What do you mean by "Comment out", is that similar to deleting? Please excuse my naivety, I have next to no programming knowledge...


--- Quote from: G.J.K._Animations on September 03, 2024, 01:12:42 AM ---Sorry to ask, but how would I go about compiling a custom build? What do you mean by "Comment out", is that similar to deleting? Please excuse my naivety, I have next to no programming knowledge...

--- End quote ---

But you're going to need at least _some_ familiarity with C.  There are various online introductions you can find using your favorite search engine.

Can we just fork the code and make a second plugin that takes the full version and put a splash about 'not found please download game data'


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