Support and General Use > Theming and Appearance Customization
How To Test/Simulator Correctly?
Howdy y'all, I've been editing existing themes the past day or two successfully but I'm not convinced my way of doing things is efficient.
I've been editing the wps/sbs files on my iPod directly then reloading the theme on my iPod to see if the changes worked as expected.
Is there a simulator of some sort I can use to avoid needing the actual device and all this reloading time? Thanks y'all!
There are fairly recent Windows simulator builds here:
Rad, thank you!
Got a follow up question. I have a theme that works great on my iPod Video with just one Font file defined in the original zip file for the theme. On the simulator it's unable to find a bunch of sizes of the font and spits out errors for all my other font sizes. Is this a common issue? Is it because my simulator is running an older rockbox firmware aka not daily or is my theme misconfigured?
Ah never mind I see. When you install with rockbox utility it does all the font conversions for you so that your iPod ends up with extra .fnt files. Just going to copy that folder from my ipod to my simulator's "fonts" folder.
Cheers! Works great!
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