Support and General Use > Audio Playback, Database and Playlists

Data abort crash when trying to build database for the first time.

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I have been trying to get my iPod mini second gen with rockbox to build its database, but it doesn't want to.
It will get through some of the tracks (there are about 2700 in total), but then runs into this error:

Data abort at 0004f578
bt end

I have tried both flac and mp3 (mp3 converted from the flacs), reinstalling rockbox on both the daily and dev build versions multiple times, and also trying disk mode. I am trying to keep the music on the root of the iPod in a folder called "music" all of the music files are then stored in more folders that specify artist and then album. My iPod uses an iFlash sd to cf adapter and a Samsung 256GB SD card formatted to FAT32.

When you said "reinstalling rockbox on both the daily and dev builds multiple times", what specific daily / dev builds did you use?

And more critically, what was running when you transferred those 2700 tracks onto the player?

If the build is older then 2024-07-17, update to something newer *immediately*.  And then validate/re-copy all of the data.

I strongly suspect that there is at least one corrupted file on the device, and that's what is leading to these crashes.

(Not that a corrupted file should lead to a crash, but bugs happen...)

Tried reinstalling it mulitple times on the 19th, 20th, and 21st, if I can remember correctly, didn't make note of what dev build I tried using. When transferring files I had my browser, discord, steam, and rainmeter open.

[Note from peanut gallery] older builds on iPod have issues with file corruption, if you were using an old build when you transferred those files it probably corrupted them on the way
So speachy was saying its important what build you were running while transferring the files

Every time I transferred the files I was running a fresh install of rockbox, that was put on the just re-formatted storage of the iPod.


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