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Make playlists use the database info of a song instead of its file name

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Seems to work acceptably for me (7th gen ipod, flash modded, database loaded to ram). 

As most of my files are named according to the content anyway, it's not really a huge difference, but just tried it on some that are only named "track01" "track02" etc, and it seems to work and playlists appear in perfectly acceptable time.  It's useful for such tracks that I ripped a bit too lazily.  As it's a user-selectable option I'd vote for keeping it.

Possibly I haven't tried it on sufficiently long playlists though?

(I'm assuming this is the thing that comes under general settings/playlists/playlist viewer settings/"Track display")

the main issue I have with this is all the things I have to do to make it work (decently) for anyone else

for instance, making the number of tracks buffered [lower] makes the wait acceptable on first load but it quickly makes scrolling annoying
fix that by keeping track of how long we took to load and start tweaking how many we load per chunk

track search uses the same settings and now they do different things, time for setting flags or yet another setting

IDK I gave it a try I feel that this will cause more issues than its worth, I would only consider enabling the option if the playlist was already in ram
try looking at that playlist on first boot before its in ram bet you won't like the wait

I think I'd rather give you a way to add tags to playlist or something

Fair enough, your decision.  Maybe the performance depends on the target (available RAM?).  Plus I haven't tried any particularly long playlists.

Could it be done so it can only be selected if the database is successfully cached in RAM?

I'm testing with playlist containing 10000+ tracks and yes the available ram makes all the difference in the world

I really don't like adding a bunch of specialized code if I can help it its hard to keep up with

ATM I think the way forward is to support EXTM3u

chris_s found a FS patch that has most of what I want already

Give me a few days the current patch needs updated and I've already identified a few issues to work thru

after I get that working I'll work on a plugin to allow conversion between the two types

To be honest, it's possible I've misunderstood this thing entirely.

  Just tried it on a playlist of podcasts (only about 150 entries), and I don't actually include podcasts in the database (podcast directory has a 'database.ignore' file in it), yet it still seems to work.

  The podcast file names are different from the titles (because I downsample them to lower bitrates and rename them to save space on the ipod) so it's definitely showing the title tag rather than the file name in the 'current playlist' display, if I select that option in the settings. As that's not in the database I don't actually understand how it's doing that.


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