Support and General Use > User Interface and Voice

Make playlists use the database info of a song instead of its file name

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--- Quote from: Bilgus on August 07, 2024, 01:31:29 AM ---I've been stuck on this cue viewer for a few days now. So far I have it indexing the file and saving that to ram (or disk if necessary)

I think I'm going to load chunks of the desired metadata on the fly with the index to speed up file seeking within the cue sheet file

its still several steps but hopefully less time consuming than the hoops that IpodVT goes thru

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Regardless of speed I'm glad this is being worked on. Thank you for your efforts!
Also, I found a small bug with the other patch: unless I play a song and then go back, the file name still shows when you're looking at it through a playlist viewer in the WPS. I assume this will be fixed when the cue sheet feature is finished but it may be something to consider.


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